Flight Control Officer Lt. Maniersi's Personal Log: Stardate 40323.7

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Lt. Maniersi: Personal Log ..... Joran Maniersi ..... Star Trek: The Triangle Missions

Today gave me a taste of what service in the Triangle will be like. While tractoring our way to Deep Space Research facilityy3 to deliver supplies, we found ourselves in a race against an approaching ion storm. DSR-3 is a high security facility, so beaming was the only way to get over. We lost communications with the station crew about 30 minutes out and were unable to raise them again. I requested permission to accompany Cpt. Koyanagi on the Away Team to get some experience, and beamed over with her, along with Lt. Cmdr.'s Dyan & Akoval, Chief Standown and Srgt. Maj. Pierson. We discovered the station personnel had all mysteriously vanished, and split up to search among the various labs. Unfortunately, it turns out we weren't the only ones to arrive on the station, as we discovered a strange and hostile life-form had made its way on board during the crisis. The Away Team fought several of these creatures and made the decision to employ lethal force. I kept my phaser on Stun and received a glancing blow by one of the creature's energy attacks. I recovered quite ably, with some minor aid from Chief Standown.

Due to security measures in place, we were only able to access Tachyon Micromechanics, but were lucky enough to find the apparent source of the disappearances: an experimental device resembling some kind of transporter. Thanks to my insightful interpretation of the evidence, We beamed Transporter Chief Lysander over to activate the machine, which returned the missing personnel. We also discovered the likely cause of the disappearance in the form of a Cardassian saboteur who appeared next to Lt. Cmdr. Dyan. The commander was surprised and unfortunately had failed to reset his phaser's power setting, leading to the Cardassian's unnecessary death. His capture and interrogation would have been a great boon in investigating the events leading up to the disappearances. We also received word from the Niven that an unidentified ship had been approaching DSR-3, but turned away when hailed. The Triangle appears to be a dangerous sector, which tells me I'm in the right place.