Walter of Marin

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This character on the surface is nothing but some ridiculous DnD crap. We combined 1st and 2nd edition unknowingly by allowing a Fighter in 2nd Ed to use a Martial Art from Oriental Adventures. What resulted was a 1st level character who did d8+2 Dmg unarmed and had an AC of 2 when wearing no armor. And he had a 16 CHA, and was a Swashbuckler template from the Fighters book, so he was irresistable to the ladies as well. Thats officially out of control.

Of course, thats not why he was cool...

The Origin

Nobody who participated in the game knew this, or even could discern it most likely, but Walter was inspired by and based on Robin Hood. I revived him once, or some of the ideas on which he was based, but the main problem is that he kind of needs to be a campaign focus to be properly utilized. If I remember correctly he also was only played in a few sessions.

The Father, the Mother

Walter's father Henrik was a diplomat to the highest court (the emperor, whose name I cant recall) who often travelled long distances and for long times with the army. He was not a violent man, and was very cool headed when negotiating, and was instumental in brokering peace and good relations between the humans and elves. For this, he was well respected by both parties. In the years since this treaty both have remained close allies.

Walter's mother Sabine was an amazing beauty, and when she was young she was the desire of many men. She and Henrik were married when she was young, and were very much in love. But because of his work they were not able to have a child until he was over 40. As a young child Walter only knew his mother.

Once Henrik returned home they were a family for the first time. It was the happiest times in their lives.


When Walter was a young boy, political unrest in the empire began to increase sharply. Henrik and Sabine both agreed, this was not the best place to raise a child. Henrik had an unorthodox idea, and when Walter was 11 he implemented it.

As a boy he reached puberty early, and was a tall and gangly kid at 11. Henrik contacted a local governor in the Elvish kingdoms and they came to an unusual consensus: Walter would come to the Elvish kingdoms, and be raised as an Elvish Ranger.

The Elvish Kingdoms

For four years Walter trained with the elves, learning to hear the forest, move like the wind, and strike with his bare skin. His bones strengthened with unorthodox exercises and demeanor refined with Elvish mannerisms, he returned home a man at 15. Standing over 6'2, but weighing under 160 pounds, he was still a gangly kid, though no one could guess his true age. In fact, few could recognize him when he returned, and he could not recognize his home.

Political Strife

Little did Walter know what was occurring while he was away learning the ways of the Elves. A quick and decisive coup deposed the emperor and installed a scheming rival to the highest throne of the land. Lords were toppled, freemen enslaved and the world turned upside down. Henrik, though well respected and accomplished, was not a rich man. It would seem that this revolution would affect him little; he had been retired for over a year.

The Apple of the Emperor's Eye

The new emporer had been a contemperary of Henrik, and was also active in diplomatic circles. They also grew up together, and both knew Sabine. They had, in fact, both competed for her hand. Now the emperor would right the wrongs the world had dealt. He would take Sabine for his own.

The Imperial Gaurd moved swiftly and with great purpose. Henrik was deposed from the family lands, and left with a modest hovel at the edge of the Marinwood. Even though the emperor's power was great, he could not yet risk imprisoning a popular man such as Henrik, especially considering what he did next.

The captain of the gaurd was cordial during the relocation, yet both Henrik and Sabine believed there was something amiss. As the men moved their belongings that would fit in the new home and confiscated what wouldnt, it was clear that virtually all of Sabine's belongings were being taken. Eventually the truth was revealed. Henrik was left in his new home, alone and severely beaten, and Sabine accompanied them, under great protest, to the Imperial palace. She was to be his new bride.

A Headstrong Woman

Sabine was staunchly against this turn of events. She refused food and water for weeks. She slapped the emperors face whenever she saw him. She vandalized his precious valuables. Eventually she had to be placed in the dungeon. The emperor believed she would come to her senses, eventually she would see what was best and agree to the marriage.

Walter Returns

After four years training with the Elves Walter left for home. He was homesick, and he had been told something of the strife his homeland was suffering. He knew he wanted to return to the Elvish Kingdoms again someday, but for now his homeland needed him. He was given a magical cloak as a gift, and was blessed by the Elvish priests. They loved him as their own, and even they were impressed by his progress. He had arrived a goofy child, and was leaving a warrior worthy of the Elven Cloak.

The Marinwood

Upon returning to the family home Walter was shocked to find it had been sold. His parents were nowhere to be found. He questioned the locals (who did not recognize him), and found that his father had been moved to a hovel at the woods edge, and his mother had not been heard from since. She was feared dead. They also expressed their disdain for the new emperor and his ways, he was taxing them into destitution, and providing them nothing in return. He vowed openly that he would protect the Marinwood and all who inhabit it from the incursion of the emperor, and he would do everything in his power to restore governorship to the people's rightful leader.

At first the locals laughed. Who was this twenty-something rabble rouser? But in the months to come they were to learn that his words were true, and his devotion to the protection of the lands absolute.

A Tearful Reunion

It was a brisk spring morning when Walter found his fathers hovel. Henrik was outside splitting wood, his back clearly aching and the morning mist collecting on his forehead. Moisture welled in his eyes when he saw his once proud father struggling to prepare wood to keep him warm. He ran up and took to axe from his hand and effortlessly split the logs.

At first he was not recognized, and Henrik protested that he had no coins to pay him. But then he looked into his eyes, and saw his only son. He hugged him, and invited him inside.

Once inside they drank hot cider and discussed the tribulations that had led their family to its current quandry. Walter's distrust for the Emperor grew into hatred when he learned what happened to his mother. He vowed that he would make the Emperor know his wrath, and his mother would be freed.

Henrik was hesitant. He knew Walter was an impetuous child, and it was obvious he had become an even more impetuous young adult, but he feared losing all he had left. He also knew that the Imperial Gaurd often watched his house, and it would not be safe for Walter to stay here.

It is no bother, Walter proclaimed, I will live in the wood, for I am it's protector.

Protector of Marinwood

When he entered the wood, he knew he was to soon be a fugitive, so he needed to be very careful in securing a home. He spent days searching before he finally found the giant redwood he would call home. He built himself a hollowed out section with modest accomodations. High above the ground he could easily see the approaching Imperial Gaurdsmen, as well as the lay of the land. It was easy and natural to keep his protectorate within his view.

As the weeks wore on he became acquainted with all of those who lived and worked in the wood. He learned the forest instinctively, and understood where his people would forage for food and other essentials. He helped old women with their farmsteads, he guided young men to game and wood, and generally bonded with the people he had sworn to protect. Most of them didnt know of his oath, and didnt really care. In fact, they just thought he was a nice young man who lived in the area.

It was weeks before he began investigating how he would free his mother. Thats as far as the campaign got. When he was last played he was getting himself into trouble trying to do reconaissance on the Emperor and his holdings.