Post-Solstice 4 Discussion

Revision as of 22:50, 5 June 2012 by Madison (Talk | contribs)

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Discussion on goals post EI4: Solstice, in aid of determining whether we want to extend the EI arc to get some of them done.

Gustav wants to continue interviewing the local tribes with Pi, laying out a sociopolitical map of the region. He is particularly interested in subsistence practices for each tribe; are all tribes the hunter/gatherer/scavenger types we've seen so far, or are there non-migratory tribes practicing agriculture, stationary animal husbandry, and making static communities? Wobblers, at least, seem to settle in place and have architectural know-how, so they may have some more advanced practices. He also wants to get as accurate a map as possible of all known Wobble-zones. And each tribe probably knows approximate locations and habits of other tribes not present, so he'll collect that information as well. For that matter, they'll have some sense of history - historical inter-tribal rivalries and battles and such. He wants it all.

Finally, he'll use Tale-telling to pass around the story of the Rescue of Mikey and how the Evergreens entered the Wobble zone and returned, harrowed but hale, with the boy. If told well, people will keep spreading the tale of the Evergreens, and how they not only have stories of the Forefathers, know the many Parables of MacGuyver, and trade generously and well, but how they are beneficent heroes as well.

--Jason 11:51, 5 June 2012 (MST) Some notes on what is written above. First, Clan Eagle is a sedentary group, they only send people to the Solstice Celebration to trade. Discussion also indicates Clan Orca is also a mostly stationary tribe, which potentially sends out raiders, though it is unconfirmed. There is talk of communities all over the peninsula. The Wobblers are very friendly, but they do not like the idea of a map of divinity sites, they this is contradictory to the calling. For the tale-telling, you will need to make a roll. You can email the result to me.

--Peter 2:31 6/5/2012: Right, well, I'll collect all that data on who is migratory and where they travel over what periods, who is sedentary and to what extent and where they range, and locations and such of any other interesting phenomena they are aware of. I'll happily stop asking the Wobblers for info relating to the mapping of the Divinity since they dislike it, but part of the information we trade for with other groups will remain "What areas in your region should we avoid? Dangerous areas? Dangerous tribes? Wobbler zones we want to be able to navigate around?" We should get a pretty decent map of the phenomena just from friendly locals saying, "Ah, yeah, you gotta remember to go over the hills here, 'cause there the other ways around are all Wobbly, eh?"

--Dieter the Bold 17:23, 5 June 2012 (MST) I'd like to browse peoples' wares & educate myself (by asking questions) about any plants I see that I don't recognize. Same for animals. I'd also like to find out more about Clan Orca and see if the other two clans would take it amiss if we put an end to the raiding. I'll try and be subtle about that. Also try and get more details about the "death [that] came from above".

Madison 20:50, 5 June 2012 (MST) - I'd like to talk to the Wobblers more about what they do to prepare for the 'trials' that find them as they go to see the divinity. I'd also like to help Gustav with his map of the area.