The Ultimate Man

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Jonathan Lowell Pendragon (born 1950), also known as The Ultimate Man. Pendragon is a New Man in the service of the United States government. He is also the principal shareholder of JLP Corporation. He is an amalgomation of Inventor, Achiever and Brick.

As a young boy he was different. Everything was easy, and the older he got, the easier things became. No matter what he tried, in the classroom, on the field, or in the wilderness his natural abilities were evident. He did things other could scarcely imagine. As a pulp and adventure hero of the 1960's and 1970's his fame was world-wide in scope.

In 1972 he began what was to become JLP Corporation, producing his one of a kind inventions. They revolutionized the industrial worlds of power, defense and trasportation.

At the time he was considered an amazing anomoly, but with the emergence of the New Man in the early 1980's much speculation has been focused on whether or not he is Prime, or just an amazing human specimen. Pendragon himself vehemently insists on the latter.

'We are not who we are born, but who we will ourselves to become. I achieved because I chose to, not because I was somehow born or ordained to do so.'