Lissan th'Zarath

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Commander Lissan th'Zarath is the Executive Officer and Science Liason, as well as senior representative of the Andorian Empire on the NX-04 Constitution, in the Coming Of The Federation one shot. After Starfleet chose to include a young, relatively inexperienced commander, the Andorians decided it would only be prudent to include one of their most distinguished and experienced officers. He does, however, come from a different time in the history of Andor, and still harbors some animosity toward the Vulcans because of their long wars. He does his best to leave it no deeper than competitiveness, especially with the Vulcans of the crew.

Character Sheet

Lissan th'Zarath

Val  Char   Cost
13  STR3
12  DEX4
13  CON3
12  BODY2
18  INT8
19  EGO9
10  PRE0
4  PD2
4  ED2
3  SPD10
4  REC0
20  END0
28  STUN4
12m  RUN0
4m  SWIM0
4m  LEAP0

Characteristics Cost: 55

Cost   Power END
3   Andorian Antennae: Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group)  0
4   Andorian Antennae: +2 PER with Hearing Group  0
2   Redundant Physiology: Life Support (Safe in Intense Cold)  0
5   Disciplined Mind: Mental Defense (5 points total)  0

Powers Cost: 14

Cost   Skill
7   Computer Programming 15- 
5   Cramming  
3   Cryptography 13- 
3   Deduction 13- 
5   Electronics 14- 
3   Inventor 13- 
3   Scholar 
2   1) KS: Federation Law (3 Active Points) 13- 
2   2) KS: Galactic History (3 Active Points) 13- 
2   3) KS: Puzzles and Enigmas (3 Active Points) 13- 
3   Linguist 
0   1) Language: Andorian (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points) 
2   2) Language: Federation Standard (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points) 
1   3) Language: Klingonaase (basic conversation; literate) (2 Active Points) 
1   4) Language: Tellarite (basic conversation; literate) (2 Active Points) 
2   5) Language: Vulcan (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points) 
3   PS: Science Officer 13- 
3   Scientist 
2   1) SS: Astrophysics 13- (3 Active Points) 
2   2) SS: Chemistry 13- (3 Active Points) 
2   3) SS: Geology 13- (3 Active Points) 
2   4) SS: Metallurgy 13- (3 Active Points) 
2   5) SS: Theoretical Physics 13- (3 Active Points) 
3   Systems Operation: Science 13- 
3   Systems Operation: Engineering 13- 
3   Systems Operation: Sensors 13- 
4   Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Mountain) 13- 
3   Tracking 13- 
4   TF: Riding Animals, Shuttlecraft 
6   WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Personal Lasers, Personal Phasers 
4   +2 with knife 

Skills Cost: 90

Cost   Perk
3   Fringe Benefit: Lieutenant 
3   Computer Link: Starfleet Science Database 

Perks Cost: 6

Cost   Talent
5   Eidetic Memory 
2   Environmental Movement (no penalties on snow) 
3   Lightning Calculator 

Talents Cost: 10

Total Character Cost: 175

Val   Disadvantages
15   Physical Complication: Redundant Physiology (enhanced poison susceptibility): (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing) [Notes: Move time effects for poisons up one level on the time chart] 
5   Distinctive Features: Andorian: (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures) 
10   Social Complication: Brusque: Frequently, Minor 
10   Rivalry: Vulcans: Professional (; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry) 
10   Vulnerability: Sonic Attacks: 2 x STUN Sonics (Uncommon) 

Disadvantage Points: 50

Base Points: 175
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0
Experience Unspent: 0