Bala blin Gir

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Lieutenant Commander Bala blin Gir is the chief engineer and ranking Tellarite on the NX-04 Constitution in the Coming Of The Federation one shot. When the mission was announced, Tellar Prime insisted on providing an engineer for the ship, and were agreeable when the delegations awarded them the chief position. Bala is a young, though quite competent, engineer who has been 'trained' on extra-species interaction. Therefore, he is more palatable to non-Tellarites, but still much more gruff than the average human or Vulcan.

Character Sheet

Bala blin Gir

Val  Char   Cost
13  STR3
10  DEX0
18  CON8
14  BODY4
13  INT3
9  EGO-1
13  PRE3
5  PD3
5  ED3
3  SPD10
5  REC1
20  END0
28  STUN4
12m  RUN0
4m  SWIM0
4m  LEAP0

Characteristics Cost: 51

Cost   Power END
4   Critical Reinforcements: Healing BODY 2d6 (20 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Character May Take No Other Actions, -2 1/4), OIF (Focus: Appropriate Tools; -1/2), Inanimate Objects Only Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Requires An Appropriate Engineering Roll (Skill roll; -1/2)  2
3   Tellarite Physique: Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat twice per week; Safe in Intense Cold)  0
6   Jury Rig: Aid Body 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) (24 Active Points); One Use At A Time (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2), Requires An Engineering Roll (Skill roll; -1/2)  2
5   Heightened Olfactory Nerves: Discriminatory with Normal Smell  0
5   Tellarite Vision: Nightvision  0

Powers Cost: 23

Cost   Skill
3   Computer Programming 12- 
3   Concealment 12- 
3   Conversation 12- 
3   Deduction 12- 
3   Demolitions 12- 
5   Electronics 13- 
3   Interrogation 12- 
0   Language: Tellarite (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points) 
4   Language: Federation Standard (completely fluent; literate) 
3   Lockpicking 11- 
5   Mechanics 13- 
3   PS: Starship Engineer 12- 
3   Engineer 
2   1) Science Skill: Computer Engineering 12- (3 Active Points) 
2   2) Science Skill: Impulse Drive Engineerng 12- (3 Active Points) 
1   3) Science Skill: Starship Weapons Engineering 11- (2 Active Points) 
1   4) Science Skill: Structural Engineering 11- (2 Active Points) 
2   5) Science Skill: Systems Engineering 12- (3 Active Points) 
2   6) Science Skill: Warp Drive Engineering 12- (3 Active Points) 
3   Stealth 11- 
3   Streetwise 12- 
6   Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Temperate/Subtropical, Mountain) 12- 
3   Systems Operation: Engineering 12- 
4   TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Shuttlecraft 
10   WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Small Arms, Lasers, Phasers 
8   +2 with all Engineering Skills 
6   +2 Meticulous Concentration with all Skills (12 Active Points); Only to match bonuses for taking extra time Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1) 

Skills Cost: 94

Cost   Perk
3   Contact (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 8- 

Perks Cost: 3

Cost   Talent
4   Speed Reading (x10) 

Talents Cost: 4

Total Character Cost: 175

Val   Disadvantages
5   Distinctive Features: Tellarite: (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures) 
15   Psychological Complication: Argumentative: (Common; Strong) 
10   Social Complication: Incomprehensible Organization: Frequently, Minor [Notes: Bala has a unique organizational pattern that is indecipherable to others. He can explain it perfectly, but it sounds like gibberish. People cannot find things he has put away etc.] 
5   Social Complication: Gluttony: Infrequently, Minor 
15   Rivalry: Captain: Professional (; Rival is More Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry) 

Disadvantage Points: 50

Base Points: 175
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0
Experience Unspent: 0