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The "Behemoths" were first encountered by a human resistance cell at the Tiger Mountain state park in Washington on January 31st, 2014. This encounter was during what was then dubbed "Operation Torchlight."

Physical Description

The two initial specimens captured stood 7' 4" and 7' 10" (~224cm/240cm) and weighed in at approximately 360 and 400 lbs. They are generally humanoid in appearance. Their body proportions are similar to a human's, but their limbs are extremely thick and heavily muscled. Their skin is thick and leathery and its color changes, though the stimulus is unknown at this time. The Behemoth's face is somewhat flat and slab-like. Its two eyes are small and white, possessing no visible iris or pupil. It has an identifiable nose and mouth. The mouth has similar dentition to a human mouth with incisors, fangs and molars. The Behemoths are vocal, though what noises they made were not any kind of language, per se, just animalistic roars and snorts.


If the Collective makes use of a multitude of species to fill specific roles, it would be safe to assume that the Behemoth species may be their soldiery. The initial encounter with a Behemoth showed that it moved across the battlefield with little apparent fear or regard to its own safety. It was extremely aggressive, and suppressing fire was only minimally effective.


The Behemoth is overwhelmingly strong and rugged. They can withstand unbelievable levels of punishment before falling in battle. Small arms have proven minimally effective against them. Better terminal results have been achieved through the use of grenades and light anti-tank weapons.

Not all of the Behemoth's sturdiness is natural; the two specimens encountered both wore some kind of skin-tight coverall made out of an incredibly tough alien fabric.

Due largely to their height, Behemoths can move quickly at a dead run.