X-Com: Gray Dawn Opposed Rolls

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With the standard CP2020 interlok system, some of the stats were far more important than others, and some were flat-out dump stats. I want almost every stat to have some value, and no single stat to have overwhelming importance. (Reflexes, I'm looking at you!)

One of the primary tweaks I want to introduce is blended base stats. For example, in CP2020, an attack roll (with a gun) is Reflex (REF)+skill level+1d10. I feel that in the high-stress situation of a firefight, the cool stat (CL) should play a much greater role than it does.

Shooting at a paper target is one thing, exchanging gunfire with someone/thing that is shooting back is another. Not only do you have to place a shot dead on target (an act of hand-eye coordination), but you have to be able to duck out from behind cover to do it, or not lose your shit and panic-fire. People who do well at the firing range do not always win the day in actual gunfights if they do not have the nerve to employ their talents. If you neglect your cool stat, you shouldn't be able to fully employ your vaunted reflexes because when shit hits the fan you might tend to crack under pressure.

To this end, ranged attack rolls will be based on an average of REF and CL (rounding up)+skill level+1d10. The target number for any attack is the target's defense roll. This number is the average of the target's REF+MA (rounding up)+skill level+1d10. The attack roll must meet or exceed the defense roll to hit.

Likewise, close combat rolls will be based on an average of REF and MA (rounding down)+BTM+1d10. Any martial art, melee or brawling attack will use this blended stat.

For ease during play, it is suggested to make note of these values for reference somewhere on the character sheet.

Ranged attack roll=(REF+CL)/2 + Weapon Skill + Modifiers + 1d10
Ranged defense roll=(REF+MA)/2 + Cover/Evade Skill + Modifiers + 1d10
Close combat attack/defense roll=(REF+MA)/2 + Skill + Modifiers + 1d10