Doug's Projects

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XCOM: Gray Dawn#Current_Projects .... Doug

A Better Man

I want to work towards the Cross-Training Perk and an Expert: Elma skill (i.e., geography, demographics, infrastructure, roads, etc.). Oh, and Doug will also be trying to locate S.C.U.B.A. gear and learn how to survive under pressure.

A New Base

Despite the righteousness of his Command Center, Doug's realizing that it's a little too vulnerable. Given his distrust for alien technology, he doesn't want to use the Construction Drones to dig him a new one. And he doesn't trust Lillian Kjelstad, so he doesn't want to move in to her secret base. Trying to use terrestrial methods of digging a new base will take too long and won't be very secret. Which leaves space (no shuttles and won't use alien ships), the air (same problem) or... underwater. Luckily, Elma has Huttala Lake and the Chehalis River, and Grays Harbor further west. Therefore Doug is working on designs for an underwater base. He's also looking for some shipping containers, industrial grade sealants, cutting and welding supplies.

Alien Machine Interface

Since Doug is able to stay at home for most of the missions, he wants to start reading Curry's notes and to try and puzzle out the "Man-Machine Interface" that allow greater drone control and flying of the ships. It's important to figure out how to protect ourselves from the alien mind-influence. Doug will continue Curry's work with the EEG machine and try various other diagnostic equipment.

Alien Fabric

Fabric, how dangerous could it be? Supremely! Everyone overlooks accidentally bumping or brushing against others, and that would be a perfect method of transferring drugs or tracking devices. Maybe even allowing for sense manipulation, like hiding alien bio-signs or warping light for stealth purposes. Doug wants to get his hands on some of the alien fabric and expose it to as many different kinds of radiation (electro-magenetic and otherwise) as well as electricity and various fluids and solutions, hoping to discover ways to detect it and what its powers are.