The Danurian Factor
The Danurian Factor is a scenario for Star Trek set in the Original Series time period which will be run as a test one-shot on 11/7/14. It is not intended to be a primer for a campaign, but that is not explicitly ruled out. The game will be run using the FATE Core Star Trek writeup located on the Boldly, We Go... page.
The Characters
The characters will be the crew of the USS Yorktown, a Constitution class vessel assigned to patrol and reconnaissance of the Sicondor Sector (see below). Unlike my normal practice, the captain will be an NPC. Characters will be randomly assigned when we begin on Friday, unless someone has a strong preference, in that case they should email me and I will mark them down for who they want.
The Crew
Captain Evan Foster NPC
Lieutenant Commander Maria Sanchez, First Officer
Lieutenant Sandira Vashenka, Science Officer
Lieutenant, Junior Grade Sigrid Thursen, Communications Officer
Lieutenant Michael Akumi, Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Alban D'Wara, Helmsman
Lieutenant Sudek, Chief Security Officer
Lieutenant Dr Joseph Two Rivers, Chief Medical Officer
Sicondor Sector
The Sicondor Sector is currently disputed space between the Klingon Empire and Federation. It is located rimward from the Organian neutral zone. The sector is 45 light years across and is mostly unexplored. The only explored system (from a Federation standpoint) is the Sicon system.
Sicon System
The Sicon system is currently a Federation protectorate by the terms of the Organian treaty. The terms stipulate that the Federation must maintain at least one colony or outpost and utilize the system for colonization or other purposes to keep their jurisdiction.
Star: Yellow main sequence
Planets: Sicon Prime (class K), Sicon II (class M), Sicon III (class M).
Other Phenomena: Sicon Ring
Sicon Prime
Initial scans indicated that none of the planets were inhabited, so a domed outpost was constructed here to serve as a processing center. The outpost is commanded by Lieutenant Commander Konata Nontambu.
Class: K
Moons: 1
Gravity: .85
Year/Day: 260/22
Atmosphere: Oxygen/nitrogen/hydrogen
Hydrosphere: 30%
Climate: hot and dry
Resources: Trace minerals, gemstones.
Places of Note: Glenconner, the Federation domed settlement.
Ship facilities: Starport capable of handling shuttlecraft and minor starship repairs.