Bill Helmengaard

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Warrant Officer Bill 'The Old Man' Helmengaard is a senior member of MACO on Constitution NX-04 in Boldly, We Go.... WO Helmengaard is a man of many monikers, including Santa Claus and Space Viking, because of his prominent, full beard, but the one he prefers is The Old Man.


Bill was born in Mobile, Alabama, as an only child of a couple in their mid 40s. Because of their advanced age, his parents did not interact with him very closely as a child, though they were loving and gave him everything he needed. As a young boy Bill was fascinated with the nature of human conflict, and spent his free time studying the history of warfare. During his high school years he studied hard and secured an appointment to the Naval Academy. Because of a bout of rheumatic fever he was not able to attend, but when he finally recovered he enlisted in the Marine Corps.

After eleven years in Recon battalion, he was recommended for the Warrant Officer program, and accepted. He spent the next 13 years serving in various leadership and training positions. When Starfleet began recruiting for MACO, he volunteered and was chosen.

Bill tends to walk and talk slowly, but think and act very quickly. He has a few hobbies, and they are surprising to those who do not know him well. He enjoys oragami, coloring books and needlepoint. He also owns a pair of bifocals, even though his eyes are technically within the acceptable range for starfleet vision.


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