Millicent "Millie" Jackson

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Millie is a former beauty pageant winner and trophy wife who was traded in for a younger model when her rich husband grew tired of her. Millie never had to work before and was too short-sighted to realize her beauty would not last forever. Finding that her smile and twirling her hair was no longer useful in getting men to give her things, Millie feel into a deep depression. She read several self-help books and tried every New Age therapy supposed to give you confidence and control of your life, all to no avail.

While going to multiple places of worship (surely one of the religions has a deity who would listen and grant her guidance?), it dawned on Millie that she needed to take control of her life. She knew from commercials that the medical field was growing so she enrolled in community college and took classes. It took her a while to graduate since she lacked many prerequisite skills and general knowledge but Millie was determined not to be a washed up beauty queen turned hag hitting on frat guys at Applebee's.

Millie is a little slow but means well. She's not dumb but never had to use her brain much so she is out of practice. Petra hired her because Millie lacks worldliness and isn't perceptive. In general, Millie is talkative, cheerful, and ignorant. Easily persuaded and eager to follow stronger personalities. In many ways, Millie is still living in the past and hopeful the glory days of a white knight taking her away will somehow happen again.