Secret GM Info for Eckhardt

Revision as of 20:19, 24 November 2006 by Dieterthebold (Talk | contribs)

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For 11/24/06

You've heard about the man Fin Nechton claims to be working for: Ignatio della Cruz. Gaspar de Kantos has mentioned his name several times in exasperation, as an example of exactly how not to employ magic for the greater good.

This man even visited the Lighthouse once, a few years ago. de Kantos and him had a long, heated discussion behind the closed door to the parlor, and he left, his red hair matching his inflamed temper. de Kantos sat you down for a long, arduous discussion on the need for discipline the next day.

By all accounts, della Cruz has his heart in the right place; de Kantos often muses that good intentions alone are not nearly enough.

--Dieter the Bold 18:19, 24 November 2006 (MST) I have read this. Twice. I'd very much like to stay in the city to make more contacts among the magisters here, learn what lore I can and simply enjoy being able to be who I am without fear of instant stake burning.