Future Imperfect - Vehicles

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In Future Imperfect there are many ways one can travel around the universe. It would be impossible to define all possibilities within each type, or even all types of potential vehicles. Instead, we will provide a set of rules that is adequate to represent a wide range of vehicles, and some examples within each category along with rules to create your own.

Operating a Vehicle

Operating a vehicle is a continuous action as described in Chapter XX, Physical Conflict.

Vehicle Traits

Vehicles have traits that are how they accomplish things in the game world. These traits illustrate how the vehicle moves as well as how fast, how much damage the vehicle can take as well as how difficult it is to control. Traits can vary across differing tech levels. For instance, a TL 8 automobile will likely be faster and more maneuverable than a TL 7 one.

Vehicle Attributes

Like other forms of equipment, vehicles have attributes which differentiate themselves from each other. Attributes define special maneuvers and rules that govern the use of the particular vehicle. Some attributes, such as flying, are very general and define how the vehicle operates. Others, such as clumsy, are more specific and define how particular aspects of the vehicle perform in game.