Exemplars Character Generation

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All characters will share a minimum of similarities in construction. These same rules will govern the vast majority of NPCs as well. Those rules are discussed here.

The Rule of x

No character may have an attack power whose DC+OCV is greater than 22.
Example: SuperMatt, evil programmer extraordinaire has a giant C++ Physics beam that does 12d6 damage. This is 12 DC. Therefore, he may not have more than a 10 OCV with this attack.

The Rule of y

No character may have a defensive power whose Active Points/5+DCV exceeds 16
Example: Disrupting Dieter, master thief of Erlenmeyer bekers has a diorienting chaff that grants him 11 DCV vs ranged attacks. Therefore, he would not be allowed another defensive power which was more than 27 active points.

Stacking Defenses

If two defenses stack, their Active Points will be added together when determining the y value.
Example: Totally Geibu has 50% non-resistant Damage Reduction, worth 4y, which will be added to the highest of PD and ED when determining total y (DCV is also included, of course).

The Rule of z

No character may have an x+y of greater than 34.

Skill Levels

Odd skill levels will be added to either x or y, even levels to both.

Point Values

Please see the Demographics page to determine your characters Archetype and Origin. The union of these ideas will determine your characters points, disadvantages and active point limits.

So why all the craziness? As many of you know, much of this game was inspired by the Valiant comics universe. One of the key features that made Valiant an industry leader was the story cohesion and unity of vision behind the driving characters. By keeping certain pieces of the character generation process ambiguous, and enforcing certain conventions, I hope to also create a unified theme game.

Group Cohesion

Before any numbers are crunched, before any x's or y's matter one bit, each player should create an origin story of at least a few paragraphs and submit it. Be flexible, because the GM may need to alter or suggest alterations to it. All of this is in the interest of keeping this universe cohesion which has been previously mentioned.

Players should discuss between themselves what they want to see in a game. Each character's origin story must also include some explaination of why they would be involved in the type of story the players have chosen. This reason must be solid and persistent. It would be more likely for a character to get denied because of this than any numbers on the character sheet.

Players Game Prospectus: Exemplars

The GM will not comment on what players say on that page unless requested to do so. The GM will strive to implement the things the players wish to see. Some suggested topics for the page are combat frequency, tone, themes, and anything related to how the game can be improved from a players perspective. This game will not commence until all prospective players have commented on this page at least once.