Papa Gede / Baron Sciency

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What is Known

Papa Gede is the spiritual and scientific leader of a small group of Changed reported to follow a strange religion. He is alternately referred to as Baron Sciency, Baron Science, or Baron Legba. He is occasionally called by Houngan as well.

The Changed who follow him are remarkably well-educated; it is said that most of them can read, and many can write. Moreover, when dealing with other settlements, they show a keen insight into the world around them, making observations on the makeup of metals or the economic stresses present.

When asked about their leader, these Changed, who call themselves The Seeing, or The Sometimes-Seeing, or The Eyes-Open, mention that he is a font of wisdom and a walking miracle. They say the spirits have marked him, and that he can almost talk to God. They may call him by one of his seemingly innumerable names, and seem to hold a large amount of respect for him, but almost any time he is mentioned, some member of the conversation will make a joke at his expense, all of the Seeing will laugh, and will say no more of him.

They also say nothing of what he looks like, and apparently he rarely travels on his own.

What is True

Papa Gede cannot remember his real name, but it does not matter. He left his home, far to the south, a long time ago, because an enemy cut him and he healed, and the scar glowed at night. He was deemed a curse, and thrown out of his life, and for a long time wandered, trying to make sense of himself and the world around him.

He came to an old ruined building, full of blasted books; he put the books together, and read them until he learned.

He came to an exploded church, with statues of saints of old strewn about; he put the statues aright and acoutered them appropriately.

He talked with the Baron who kept him from dying, and decided that those who were Changed, like he was, were Changed by the will of the spirits, the will of God. To every Changed he met, he presented a challenge: Know who and what you are, and know why it is you are this way. For he had learnt long ago the biological mechanism that prevented his death and healed his wounds, and he had discovered as well that the only way for his body to activate that mechanism was through prayer.

He didn't mean to gain followers, but he pushed a great many people to discover themeselves, and some of them wished to stay on, and learn from him. To these people he taught how he saw things, and what he knew, and how to teach further people. He didn't say that what he saw is what everyone should see, but those who followed him that had no strong ideas of their own soon began to see as he did.

One day, it may have happened that a group of weary and tragedized wanderers happened upon his people...