D'Kursoli Kel

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Commander D'Kursoli Kel is the first officer of the FSS Tahoma in the Star Trek game Into the Expanse. D'Kursoli has been in the Klingon navy for decades, but has stalled out on promotion long ago. She has served in many wars and skirmishes, but with little fanfare (though also no demerits). She was very surprised that she was chosen for this mission, though she sees it as her chance to prove her worth to the high council.

Like most Klingons, D'Kursoli struggles with anger management and violence, however long ago she embraced ancient Vulcan techniques which help her keep her emotions in check. She carries a specially made stress ball with a tough exterior and hyper viscous gel inside that she uses to regulate her outbursts. In Klingon society she is viewed as meek and passive, but in reality she has mastered emotional regulation to a much greater degree than the average Klingon has ever seen.

Her reputation as a 'peace-monger' is also accentuated by her embrace of deception and quick strike tactics and tactical doctrine. She prefers to rely on maneuver and intelligence rather than brute force, and analysis of her commands have shown that her losses of personnel are much lower than other commanders. In Klingon society, this is actually viewed negatively, as fewer warriors are allowed to ascend to Sto-Vo-Kor. She does understand why she is perceived as she is, but she is stubborn and unwilling to compromise because her methods are (in her view) better for the empire: "More warriors live; more warriors fight; more warriors win!"

In terms of diplomacy, D'Kursoli is a more traditional Klingon, preferring strong-arm tactics and intimidation to achieve short term goals. Her preference is the resort to the tactics listed above if those do not work.

Physically, she is stocky and solidly built. She wears traditional warrior garb with 6 D'Ktahg and her various commendations all proudly displayed. She is 71 years old, but still very healthy, strong and active, though she is beginning to gray a bit. Most who see her would guess her age to be mid 40s. She enjoys contests and games, especially those which involve deception and bluffing, like poker and Coup.