Space Marine Equipment

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All Bolters are capable of Rapid Fire, which is a full action. As a full action, someone armed with a bolt weapon can fire up to its Rapid Fire number in shots at the cost of an Equipment Point. They also have clips; reloading is a free action until the clip is exhausted at which point the reload time indicated must be taken. Rapid Reload reduces this number.

Bolt Pistol

Damage 4, Impact, range 8/16, clip 10, reload 1, Rapid Fire 2

Bolt Gun

Damage 4, Impact, range 16/32, clip 20, reload 1, Rapid Fire 2

Heavy Bolter

Damage 5, Impact, range 20/40, clip 100, reload 3, Sustained Fire (a rapid fire action does not consume 2xammo) 4

Hellfire Rounds

Hellfire Rounds must be breech-loaded (half action to switch breech modes, full action to load), and do d10 wounds within the Small Template regardless of Toughness Bonus.


Counts as a hand weapon, adds +1 to critical rolls

Power Weapons

As a rule, Power Weapons ignore armor when wounding in addition to any other qualities they possess.

Power Sword

A Power Sword confers no additional benefits, unless it is Master Crafted, in which case it confers the Defensive bonus.

Power Maul

A Power Maul is Slow, but confers the Pummeling rule.

Power Fist

A Power Fist is Slow, Impact.


Space Marine Power Armor

Some of the most technically advanced combat equipment in the galaxy, Power Armor is a combination of a neurally-linked servo-motor network, ceramic-alloy plates, and sophisticated electronics and environment systems. Fundamentally, it turns those it protects into walking tanks, though the physical demands of wearing such equipment, even with its servo-motor assist, makes it all but impossible for the strongest warriors.

Armor 5, causes no penalty to agility when worn by a Space Marine, sophisticated electronic equipment that provides additional information at the GM's option. Move Silent or Concealment is next to impossible in such armor. Intimidate tests gain a considerable bonus.

Carapace Armor

High-strength polymer and flex-titanium layers make for a durable and relatively light impact absorption system. When worn only over vital body parts, it also allows for flexibility and stealth.

Armor 3, 10% agi penalty, allows for use of stealth and concealment

Miscellaneous Equipment

Progenitor System