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) Slavery is still practiced, both as punishment for serious crimes and for prisoners of war.

2) Araby is basically the last frontier in the empire; not yet totally assimilated. Those who agree to be resettled (basically by joining a ranger-general) are granted citizenship within the rest of the Empire, those who do not, will have difficulty outside of araby, and poor treatement from Imperial Officials in Araby. In the rest of the Empire, more or less everyone is a citizen, or at least those who are not slaves or indentured servants, of which there is a sizeable population.

3) When a ranger general passes through a land with a military presence, those warriors are given a choice: join the Ranger-General's army for good pay for a minimum of a year or so, long enough to distance them from their homelands, or be branded traitors and rebels. Imperial law states that the only military force permitted in the lands is that of the Ranger-Generals, and while this law is not *strictly* enforced (town militias and such are generally left alone), it is the main tool by which the Empire redistributes the populations of vassal states.

4) Araby is officially conquered, though there are some twists. If you have Common Knowledge(Araby), or a relevant Academic Knowledge, email me and I'll fill you in on the details. A successful Gossip test in game will probably also get you this material, though the test will be difficult.

5) Churches of gods other than Sigmar are tolerated in varying degrees, and must all recognize the primacy of Sigmar. Worship of Myrmidia, the patron goddess of Tilea and Estalia, is strictly forbidden and considered a heresy of the highest order. Worship of heathen powers, elven gods, or chaos is also considered witchcraft, punishable by death. The other gods of the Empire are allowed to worship as long as their dominions do not conflict with Sigmar's.