A low-medium character example

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Character Creation:


Strength: 6 Dexterity: 8 Toughness: 6 Charm: 3 Attractiveness: 3 Empathy: 2 Tech: 5 Intelligence: 4 Cool: 7 Fate: - Cost: 176 Attributes cost 4/level. Average human attribute is 4. Strength Brawling +7 Strength Feat +3 Dexterity Martial Arts Personal Weapon Skills (pistols and rifles +5) (10) Type I Ship Weapon Skills (ie human controlled) +5 Acrobatics Climbing +3 Stealth +3 Driving/Piloting Skills (truck)+3 Autofire +3 (6) Dodge/Escape +3 Dance Zero G movement Contortionist Toughness: Resist Torture/Drugs +2 Recovery (how fast you get up after getting knocked down) +5 Stamina +3 Charm: Social (like a broader form of “conversation from Hero) Leadership Perform Oratory Etiquette (specific to a given type of social group) Trading Attractiveness: Style Seduction Empathy: Human Perception Interview Mimicry Lipreading Teaching Animal Handler Persuasion Bribery Bureaucratics Tech: Lockpicking Interface (necessary for very advanced programs, such as navigation computers, also useful for searching the Internet, etc.) Computer Programming Computer Hacking Security Systems Mechanics: (basic, engines, structural, weapons, etc.) Inventor (choose a specific discipline: examples: structural (for engineering), ship design, weapons, etc.) Jury Rig Electronics: (Macro/Micro) Cybertech Operate Heavy Machinery (choose a discipline) (loader) +3 Intelligence: Composition Survival +3 Tracking Paramedic Doctor (choose specialty) Navigation (Land, Space, Urban) (land) +2 Psycho-Navigation Forgery Demolitions +2 Heavy Weapons (Artillery, etc.) Deduction Cryptography Criminology Strategy Cosmography mathematics Science (choose discipline: physics, chemistry, biology, geology, archeology) Cooking Cool: Fast Draw +3 Initiative +6 Interrogation Streetwise +2 (4) Shadow/Evade Tactics Intimidate +3 Disguise Gambling Sleight of Hand Teamwork Storytelling: None

Total Skills Cost: +76 Backgrounds: two points per dot Allies Contacts +4 Followers Resources Reputation +2 Influence Organization Equipment +4 Mentor Languages Status No more than one at 8 without GM permission. None at 9 or above without GM permission. Total: 10

Cost before Adds/Disads: 262 +20 Adds Total Cost: 282