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Help me out here guys. Im getting bogged down in verbiage. I have these different terms, and I cant decide which one is better and makes the most sense. Some of them need to be stripped away. What Im talking about: Prime, New Man/Woman, Exemplars, next evolutionary step. None jumps out at me, and I cant figure out which lends itself to the smoothest usage. Whenever I get ready to do some writing I end up wrestling over semantics.

--Edmiao 19:24, 25 October 2006 (MDT)Just go with the old X men term: Homo Superior. or Mutie. Depends on what connotation you want. Exemplar has a superior, haughty ring to it. So does Prime. New Human is fairly neutral and gets you away from the Man/Woman thing. How about Homo Nuevo (sounds like a gay latino).

--Jason 21:00, 25 October 2006 (MDT)I need one term that is all sciency, one that you doctor types would make up and use in research papers. Then another one for public consumption, this is where the choice is Exemplar or Prime makes sense. I do like the homo sapiens superioris like the XMen did. Thats why I want a sciency term.

--Edmiao 23:46, 27 February 2007 (MST) just looked at Gabe's pictures of Hub. Are we going to be supers in tights with costumes? please say "no"

--Gdaze-- What??? We better look awesome like that! Hahaha! But yeah... actually what are we gonna look like?

--Edmiao 00:09, 28 February 2007 (MST) Viho, my character, does not wear a costume or dress in tights. but he is kind of a comic book caricature, being smaller than any midget, flying around in a hoverchair, and driving a dreadnaught.

--BenofZongo 00:20, 28 February 2007 (MST)My guy looks completely normal. No costume, hoverchairs, or dreadnaughts. But don't let me stop you from wearing tights. My alt was a classic, tights-n-brights super hero.

-- 00:42, 28 February 2007 (MST)To each their own; who's gonna tell a super-guy how to dress? That said, Dr Austin Oppermann just wears geeky scientist shit, like ill-fitting plaid shirts and khakis that are at least two years out of style.

--Gdaze-- So what, are we just gonna be saving the day in casual wear??? Well... I hope we at least wear GAP...

-- 11:35, 28 February 2007 (MST)Some do wear tights whether you like it or not. Its a functional uniform that serves the purpose.

--Gdaze-- Sweet! I think I will go with this then. I never even thought to use City of Heroes to give me a concept of what my guy looks like, but I must say I like the idea!

--Edmiao 17:47, 9 March 2007 (MST) There are some pages that are hard to find from this main exemplars page, notably "World Politics" so I added the link if that's ok.

--Jason 17:51, 9 March 2007 (MST)You're right. I need a better organization of this stuff so people can get an easy read of what is important without having to click around for a half hour.

--Jason 15:39, 12 March 2007 (MDT)Everyone: I am trying to get as much stuff written on here for you guys about the world, but I need some direction. Tell me what you guys want to see here. Give me an idea what kinds of details are important, whether you want generalities etc. Any direction is helpful.

--Edmiao 21:52, 12 March 2007 (MDT) I added a player Q n A section. I like the details. I think they will solidify as to what is important once we begin to play.

--Jason 16:57, 15 March 2007 (MDT)I still havent received a character from Gabe or a written background from Dieter. There will be a lag time of at least a couple of weeks from when I receive these to when we can play, so get them in soon or we wont be switching immediately to Exemplars.