Captain Yu

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Captain Yu

Born in a small town near Togon, Mai Yu was a scrawny child. He was picked on and beat up by the older boys in town. Finally, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He snuck into the local dojo and spied on the lessons there, practicing later by himself. He did not fight back against the bullies until he felt he had mastered the martial arts. Then, one day he let them have it, all eight of them. The bullies were not so bright, they learned their lesson 10 times before it sunk in. Then, young Mai Yu declared that all the children were under his protection. Such was the young life of a lawman.

It was only natural that he would join the army, whose main task it was to patrol the countryside for bandits. Yu rose quickly in the military, first as a sergeant in charge of a 40 man bandit hunting squad. Then, as a Lieutenant, he was in charge of three squads that patrolled the northwest of Uusam. Finally, as Captain, he organized three lieutenants and was involved in military intelligence.

When a real war came, he was called upon to lead his forces into Konn, where they served honorably, but eventually were outnumbered by Shin forces. In Uusam, Captain Yu integrated his forces with the Mung Kava tribe, and he was favorably impressed by the horsemanship of their best warrior, Viktor Kreikil. Yu was sent to recruit Kreikil to this mission, and delivered passport papers to him for crossing the border 2 months ago. Yu is …. put out….that kreikil did not show at the meeting. Without Kreikil, there were only 5 members of the team. Five. Unlucky number five. And that stupid beaurocrat Sun Yung Kim was superstisious; “there can’t be FIVE, it has to be SIX!” he said. Captain Yu was unfortunate enough to be the only competent candidate available, and was ordered to join the mission at the last minute.

Captain Yu believes in the law. Rules are created for a reason and must be followed. Except when they are created by morons, in which case Captain Yu’s judgement is superior and that should be followed. He lives an austere life because luxuries are inefficient. He demands the respect that he is due. It is against his nature to be lenient, or to laugh. It’s not that Yu is pent up and repressing his lighter side. He has no lighter side. He’s a soldier. That’s what he is. It is natural to him to be a soldier, thus it is unnatural to act in any other way. This makes it difficult to blend in to a crowd.

So far, Captain Yu has been irritating the other characters. He constantly demanded that they get receipts to be reimbursed for expenses in Beuch (although the days of reimbursement are over, so no more receipts needed). He has a proclivity to say what’s on his mind, like “Those stupid Grundles are all ignorant peasants, good for working, but they are inherently uneducatable, (gabe’s character is a grundle)” or “Gypsies, a poor excuse for thievery and smuggling, they are all degenerates and should be exhiled (Ben’s character is a gypsy).” He’s inherently eliltist and not shy about it.