Talk:Ship Creation

Revision as of 12:24, 2 April 2007 by BenofZongo (Talk | contribs)

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(From 3/30) Ship: (J, 10, A, K, 8, K, Q, J, 9) 303 pts.

Ship's old but rugged & reliable and huge (SC 8+), J
Put efforts together and score ship-mining equipment to fix up en route, 10
K-tech parts turn up when we're ambushed by pirates, auto-repair systems fix damage, A
Ship based atmospheric fighter won in gambling match put onto the ship, K
Ship has surprisingly efficient fuel sytem, 8
Archeochamber, K
Ship mysterious, Q
Enhanced subsurface scanners, J
Strange interface that's talking back coherently, 9

Size: 10 (1000 tons) (250m)
Quality: 7 (3% breakdown chance)
SDC base: 170
Cost: 34

Quality: 10 (+50 SDC, 10 technical dice)
Cost: 50 (cost is (hull quality * chassis class)/2), not (hull quality+chassis class)/2)

Speed: Standard (10 pts)
Maneuverability: Vectored thrust (20 pts)
Fuel efficiency: Standard
Reliability: 8 (8 pts)
Cost: 34

Quality: 8 (+8 SDC, 2.6 technical dice)
Cost: 8

AI quality: +2 (2 maneuver dice, +2 pilot/nav rolls)
Cost: 30

AI quality: +0
Cost: 10

Quality: 8 (+4 cosmology/sensor rolls)
Sensor max: AI+3
Cost: 8

100 slots
Crew compartments: 4 private rooms, 3 doubles (10 pts)

WEAPONS: 12 pts. (a couple internal systems as well)

Shuttle: size 3 (27 slots) 30 pts.
Archeo-storage chamber 10 slots (20 pts.)
Extra Armor (K-tech): 3 slots, 10D6 (20 pts)
Large mining rig: 40 slots (25 pts)
External shuttle mount: 3 pts.
EMP Shielding: 3 tech dice (1 slot, 9 pts) Fuel storage: 9 slots Cargo: 27 slots Pts: 303/303
Slots: 100/100 The one big problem you've got is that you don't have any cargo slots in which to store what you mine...if you brought the shuttle down to size 2, you'd free up 19 slots for storage, which would be 133 tons worth of stuff...not a ton, but given that the large mining rig can process stuff in situ to the finished product, this actually translates to quite a bit of material. Actually, wait, my mistake...shuttle doesn't count cause it's externally mounted, good point matt.

--Matts 10:07, 2 April 2007 (MST)So then anything less than SC 8 probably can't reliably carry a shuttle?