The Path of the Moirae

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Gemini Index

Focus and Reputation

The ship has two additional statistics: Focus and Reputation.

Reputation is how far the ship (and it's crew) have progressed down the ship's Path (which is kind of like the ship's destiny or its misssion in existence). As the reputation increases, new abilities are gained. So at Ship reputation = 2, the special abilities number 1 and number 2 (see below) are available for use. Reputation is a combination of how well known the ship is and how uber cool the ship is (thus how well it will soon be known).

Focus The focus level determines the power or number of uses that bonus abilities granted by the Reputation level have.

Reputation (path) Hierarchy

1-While onboard, players may use thier own storytelling points to let other characters make rerolls. Normally storytelling dice can only be used on your own character. The maximum number of transferred storytelling dice equals the Ship Focus level Ship Focus times per session.

2- Any roll by a non-crew member to search (like to find hidden compartments), investigate, or understand/spy on the ship (once they are actually on the ship) is at +Focus difficulty. This does not affect difficulties to actually get into the ship/it's computer systems, nor simple “messing”, like, say, shutting the ship down via hacking.

3-The ship has the “pack rat” advantage: the value of the item may be up to [(Focus)^2]*10 credits.

4-The ship has the “daredevil” advantage, with +Focus to “death-defying” actions.

5- Anyone attempting to spot (in stealth), track, or otherwise monitor the Golden Fleece is at +Focus difficulty. This effect also affects attempts to hack into the Golden Fleece's computer.

6-Focus SDC are automatically repaired at the end of every combat round, and Focus # of location specific hits may be ignored in terms of effect.

7-The ship gains the "in the nick of time" advantage.

8-During ship combat, roll Focus dice (d12) you may add these to any of your pools during combat as you see fit.

9-Once per session, the crew may move the time it takes to calculate a jump Focus steps down the time chart (to a minimum of a single combat or ship combat turn).

10-The ship has storytelling points equal to its focus. These are just like character storytelling dice and refresh each session. These are in addition to any storytelling dice that each character has. Use these as described in #3 below. These ship storytelling points can be used on any crew member by consensus opinion of the crew.