Ship's Email/Job Queue

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Argyle Phillippe Requests that the cargo you have acquired be delivered to dock 47 on the Alexandria landing platform on Diomedes. A man named Rooster will meet you there and give you the password "Diamonds in the Rough", at which point you can turn the cargo over to him and receive the other half of your payment (8000 credits)

Private Investigation: Non-Alexandria native preferred. Experience preferred but not necessary with appropriate recommendations. 40 credits/day. Likely assignment time unknown, but probably not more than 5 days.

Emergency/Rescue Vehicles Channel All ships within 7 days travel of coordinates 397-442-352-667-909 (this is approximately 2/3 of the way to Castor from Pollux), please respond. Class 12 freighter "Optimus" crippled by pirate raiders: Life support systems down, approx. 7 days remaining. Repair on-site or tow to St. Augustin Fortress (something I forgot to put in the list on the main page: A heavily fortified space station hermitage halfway between the two systems.) 20,000 credits payment effective upon safe return of cargo/crew.

Emergency/Rescue Vehicles Channel Collision above Nestor 4 between the Class 14 Freighter "Valdez" and the Class 6 "Oasis IX". Vessels needed for Tug duty and debris cleanup. Oasis is regarded as a "total" with no recovery contract: all salvage is FK.

For Great Justice: low pay, high honor merc work on Andromache 3. Contact 1359.887. if interested.

Luxury Goods Transport: Argyle Phillippe: further information following rendezvous at Nestor 1. Significant cash reward.