Talk:Space marines of the 41st millenium

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--Edmiao 20:55, 17 May 2007 (MST) I'm in favor of having a second game running. Seems like Matt will be our second GM, unless there are others interested? not me for now. I would propose that matt comes up with whatever idea he finds interesting and propose it in prelim form as he has here and we all say intereseted or not. That said, here's my 2 cents. There are two strikes against this game in my opinion: 1) running two space games at once 2) DiVT. Both of these are no problem if the game is limited to, say 3-12 sessions. I'd worry about them if the game is designed to run for a year. Matt stated that he envisions a shorter game a la Jin style; I'd like to have a feel for the estimated number of sessions (is it 3 to 6, 5 to 10, 15 to 30, that kind of general range).

--Matts 22:10, 17 May 2007 (MST)Too early to say; but you're right that DitV isn't built for a long-haul campaign and I wouldn't want to try it for one. I'd say 6-12 sessions off the top of my head. The game wouldn't have anything to do with space, it's just a sci-fi milieu.

--Edmiao 22:30, 17 May 2007 (MST) down wit that. I mean, "I'm down with that" not "DOWN with THAT!"

Ben here: I'm in if I can play a terminator-librarian-inquisitor-grey knight-callidus-Chapter-master. I'll just take that as a trait at 5d10.
but seriously folks, I think that this game setup is well suited to Dogs in the vineyard of war, much better than it was suited to WHFRP.