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This is a page for Walt Jonse. I have not been putting this page together for some time now. My main reason for not putting a page together has been a desire to avoid any kind of commitment to anything. To hell with what I want. Lets see just how far this thing doesn't go now that I have started. Perhaps someday this page will be edited. Right now I do not care to figure out or learn anymore about this so called wiki thing and will not be including any fancy links.

As a rule I do not care to be a player in an rpg. I do make exceptions, but I prefer the role of storyteller. I hope to be in Seattle soon. There are a few things yet to be done before I can move. These things are really none of your business, but if you really want to know you can go ahead and contact me. I am probably willing to trade such information for food, labor, or unspecified favors to be named in the future. Following are games I have in mind. If I decide not to be lazy they may eventually become links to other pages. For now though this is what you get.

Vampire the Masquerade

I once knew this guy named Jason. He was not too thrilled about the idea of playing vampire. I tried for a very long time to get him to play. I kept telling him to put aside his preconceptions and just give the game a chance. I wound up having to steal his rainbow bright doll in order to coerce him into playing. Do not let this happen to you. If you do not think you will enjoy playing vampire, I will ask you to just give it a chance. Even if you have played the game with others and hated it, please give it a chance. If you think you would like playing vampire, then you will probably not like this. Also, i am sorry about your doll Jason. I had no idea that there were raccoons in the shed. I promise I will buy you one to replace it as soon as I finish school and get a job.


Hooray !! You can read a lot about champions on other parts of the wiki. In the past Jason and I have run the game together and once I finish moving we probably will again.

Fantasy Hero

This is my baby and I hope to introduce it soon. I have been working on this setting off and on for 10 years now and am almost ready to introduce players. It started out as 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons, but no one wanted to play 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons. Then I decided to try just thinking about the game and not writing anything down for 5 or 6 years. I discovered I was really good about thinking about things and not writing them down and so i decided to continue that indefinitely. Eventually I realized that adapting the setting to war hammer would be cheaper than buying 3rd edition dungeons and dragons books and so i considered that. I wrote some things down and then decided to try fantasy hero instead. I am enjoying the writing stuff down part more than i thought I would.

Sound City

This one is still trying to become something. It is a near future dystopia in which the players are members of law enforcement. I notice here that I have actually included some details about the game itself. I will be thinking about this setting for a long time. Right now i am considering using the white wolf storytelling system for mechanics. This is only because I know the system better than any other. This is not a try to trick you into playing vampire game.