Current events

Revision as of 10:32, 20 September 2007 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

8/03/07......Entertain yourself!
8/17/07......Gemini....Ben and Dieter's wonderful gaming wasteland
8/24/07......sucking nuts.....each to his own
8/31/07......WFRP......BnD WGW
9/07/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus or the Wasteland!?! (Only you can decide)
9/14/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus
9/21/07......????......The BnD Gaming Wasteland

Attendance and Food preference

--Edmiao 10:55, 15 September 2007 (MST) absent 9/21 and 9/28 (on vacation)

--Dieter the Bold 16:43, 18 September 2007 (MST) Available, but maybe late. I'll be helping my dad move all the big stuff (couch, TV, etc.) that day.

--Gdaze 22:55, 18 September 2007 (MST) So like... what is the plan this weekend, are we off?

Ben: I'm good to play. Since Gemini has been denied the governor's stay of execution, it's officially fried. That means either a.) one shot by Ben, b.) continue WFRP (the preferred option, I think) or c.) I really enjoyed heroscape the other night, so if we don't ahve enough to play WFRP I'd love to throw down, gabe. But if we have at least 2 players, I'd like to do WFRP. I have to continue my devious plan to take over the city! Also, if you want to play heroscape saturday night after 9 or 10 pm, I should be done with the "goodbye" dinner thing for my labmate by then.

--Gdaze-- Maybe I should have just started out my whole Gemini thing with "Guys I'm not really enjoying it, I'm thinking of dropping out" Kinda you know... what everyone has told me hahahaha.

Heroscape is pretty sweet, but if we play we should do so at my house, that is Friday anyway. I already got a board all set up. Will Matt be ready by this Friday?

Update: Oh and I'll be busy on Saturday so bleh. And to me it seems like we will have at least two people, Dieter, you, and most likely me although also arriving a bit late, like an hour, and most likely leaving early. I think it tis up to our GM.

BEN: yup, if Matt is good to GM we'll do WFRP at my place, if not, you and I and whoever else wants to can meet at your place for heroscape.

--Gdaze-- So Matt, are you like... actually working or something? Ya gonna be able to GM this Friday or ain't yaz?

Ranting and raving or other random comments

--Edmiao 23:26, 16 September 2007 (MST)How many of our Friday group are also joining the Saturday group, out of curiosity? and what's on the Ben and Deiter only page created by Jason??? is that for the saturday group?

--Jason 23:28, 16 September 2007 (MST)The Ben and Dieter page is discussion about a few things that may lead to Exemplars actually occurring. Its too tentative yet to say either way. As far as I know nobody from the Friday group will play Saturday, but they would all be welcome if they wanted. The Saturday game would probably be bi-weekly, btw.

--Gdaze -- So wait... Exemplars would be on Fridays then? I think I can do the Saturday game, but depends on what your playing. And if we are doing Exemplars, I'm totally in. (I mean IF, I don't want to get hyped up again to not play.) Ed, when is the next Heroscape meeting?

--Jason 09:51, 17 September 2007 (MST)Dont get hyped up, nothing is confirmed. If these discussions bear fruit Exemplars could take the place of Gemini when it has run its course. But only if Gabe doesnt quit...muahahaha j/k. Saturday looks like it will be Indiana Jones in Space.

--Gdaze -- I was gonna say... you wanna go there???? I do feel really bad about quitting, and sure a few choice words have been said about it in my abesence. But bleh, gotta do what ya gotta do. And that is why I'm not wearing pants. When is gonna be the first day for Indiana Jones in Space?

--Jason 11:00, 17 September 2007 (MST)No pants? Pics plz. I am not sure, I think we might make characters either this Saturday or two Saturdays from now. I might make a character/role discussion page soon. Did you download the space opera rar?

--Gdaze -- I did but no winrar at work, lame. Don't really wanna start downloading apps to the computer, since some guy got fired here for doing "something" on the computer... not sure what... all I know is he brought in his lab top. Since I know the system I could just make some guys and send 'em off to ya.

Course that is assuming I can even play this one! Yiiiieekes.

--Jason 12:20, 17 September 2007 (MST)Put some stuff on the character ideas page. Dont worry about mechanics just yet.

Ben: For Friday night-ers: Ed suggested another alternative to continuing Gemini for the second "slot": we could just keep playing WFRP. I'm good with this option, WFRP is really fun so far. Obviously, it would require a lot of extra work for Matt, so ultimately its up to him (also, if Matt and Dieter are eager to wrap up Gemini over the next few sessions, I'm of course more than happy to GM and bring the game to some sort of conclusion). As for choice words said in your absence, Gabe, all I said was basically what I posted already: that it makes me feel sad that we as a group have still made little progress on the communication front. What I really wanted to make clear after our "voting" fiasco was that if people have an issue with something, or want to make their feelings plain, they should strive to just say what they want to say (ie "I don't like Gemini anymore, can we do something different?): we're all good friends, we shouldn't have to worry about people getting all bent out of shape. That way we can discuss, preferably in person around the table, a good solution that satisfies everyone. We're all freaks and social rejects here, which means we all put up with each others' idiosyncracies, but we do it because we are, first and foremost, friends. And that is what makes our group cool and fun and has allowed it to last for so long. The idea that the group suffers less from having someone bail than having us change things up to try to accomodate people better has just never held true for me. They are games, meant to be fun, and when they stop being fun, no matter how much/little work you put in or how much/little you are attached to them, they should be replaced: no matter what, it is ten times easier to write a new campaign and rules system than it is to find a single fun, reasonable, intelligent, and committed player.

--Gdaze -- Well right, but I mean just cause I'm not having fun, I didn't want to drag down everyone else. Ya know? And since things seemed to be kinda wrapping up, I figured ah well, I might as well just drop out. Plus if everything suddenly changes, it just kinda bothers me ya know? Like now everything is different? And I didn't want a whole world scarped cause of just me. And really, I don't think the world would take that big a hit without my character there. I mean I'll play in whatever we go with next. But I just don't want to stop a whole game just cause I'm not enjoying it!

And how was Heroscape???

--Jason 16:53, 17 September 2007 (MST)If Exemplars comes back I would want to continue playing NPCs and such in WHFRP. Would this be ok with you, Ben?

Er...I don't think I'm in a position to make ultimatums for the group, I just wanted to clear up what I said. I should have also added in my previous paragraph that although I feel that way, it certainly isn't the only way to look at it and, given how well things ran on Friday, I'm less worried about the detriments of decreased attendance: thus, I'm totally fine with people coming for as much or as little of gaming on Fridays as they want (again, just my personal opinion, not necessarily shared by everyone). So, as far as I am concerned, I have no problem with Gabe not coming to Gemini, and I have no problem with Jason running Exemplars and not playing WFRP (or NPCing, or whatever).

--Matts 19:37, 17 September 2007 (MST)I'm ok running more WFRP, but it'll mean I've got to do some work before next (or maybe the one after) session. I'd also like to see some Exemplars action.

--Gdaze 08:28, 18 September 2007 (MST) Well good to hear about that. And glad you all ain't too mad at me. Please don't think that I don't enjoy gaming at all. I just figured it was wrapping up and so on. As for playing Exemplars, I'd REALLY like to do this. But can you GM both the space game and examplers Jason? If so, more power to you and please do! Also I might act weird from time to time, things are kinda weird for me right now, and I've got a lot of pressure on me from my Dad to find my own place plus pressure at work, pressure from mom, etc.

--Jason 09:38, 18 September 2007 (MST)The only pressure from your mom is on my COCK. Im basically the secondary GM on Exemplars so it wont be an issue. Depending on the outcome of the BnD page, I can know more soon.

--Gdaze -- Ya bitch! Oh? So you gonna be co-gming with Ben then I take it?

--Jason 10:42, 18 September 2007 (MST)In Exemplars Matt#2 would be the primary GM. He is moving to Seattle in November, maybe a couple of weeks sooner.

--Dieter the Bold 16:50, 18 September 2007 (MST) Don't want to get too far into the whole group/Gemini/etc. discussion, but I will say that I also thought of dropping out of Gemini for the same reasons (wasn't having fun and didn't want to ruin others' fun) but totally agree with Ben's argument. I'd like to vote against continuing Gemini unless people want to do a 100% reboot. It's too far gone for salvaging for me at least. Also, I'm currently involved in the insanity of moving, and have about half-a-dozen other pressing matters to take care of once I'm finally done with moving. So while I am interested in a Saturday game, I can't commit yet.

Other Non-RPG gaming Events

Dune BITCHES!!!!!

My plan is to have a megaDune marathon some weekend day.
Various links: [1]

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

The Next Step in Gemini

Gemini Recap

Also See Ship's Log for past conversations and Talk:Gemini

Next episode: the other side of the jumped shark.