Talk:Submarine Adventure

Revision as of 20:10, 30 October 2007 by (Talk)

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Gabe: You could make is somewhat steampunk... But either way yes, it could be quite cool. Even COOLER if you ran it with the hero system.

Jason: I have that Crimson Skies game, as well as Gear Krieg, either of these might work if you would like to borrow them.

--Edmiao 17:20, 30 October 2007 (MST) There are two ways to go with this, realistic WW2 Das Boot style, or like gabe suggests a kind of steampunk or captain nemo (a la LXG) or jar jar binks land. I think those would be tre cool.

--Matts 18:04, 30 October 2007 (MST)I'd run it as a sort of Crimson Skies Underwater thing. The key elements to keep would be the scarcity of resources and information, especially when at sea. I like the tension in movies like Das Boot, and marrying that to a more swashbuckly atmosphere might pay dividends.

BEN: creating tension in sit down through paucity of information, or through the setting (ie, you're in a tin can 1000 meters under water) is really hard. But swashbuckling and submarines sounds very dope. reminds me of il porco rosso.