Secret Page for Frank Castle

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--Dieter the Bold 20:53, 18 January 2008 (MST) Gabe, the secret Frank has from the rest of the group is that before and during the destruction of Frank's community is that the Black Spiral Dancers tormented them. Part of this torment was revealing the truth (twisted to their ends) about what they were (werewolves) and what they thought of humans and had done to them in their past. While Frank's smart enough to realize the tactic for what it was, he does know more about BSDs than septs would prefer and harbors doubt as to how much they can really be trusted. If it really came down to werewolves and their Gaia surviving vs. humans, would they try to make any room for humans, or destroy them all? He's learned to trust and work with the group, but how much can werewolves truly be trusted where humanity is concerned?

--Gdaze -- Yo Dieter, I'm putting this here cause I don't want everyone else seeing it yet haha. Anyway, my other group is planning on running some good ol'fashioned D&D 3.5 (or 3.0, whatever). They are much better now and don't get in arguments over everything. We are playing in the Dawnforge Universe. Interested? We would try to play on Saturdays, but NOT every week, most likely only 2 times a month, and perhaps sometimes we would play on Sundays instead.

So far we have an orge barberian, a drow assassin mage, and most likely a dwarf who is going to try and make mechanical inventions. Let me know what you think, D&D is flawed but m'eh, it is fun too, no?

Oh quick note, when ever damage calls for 1D8 or 1D12 it will be replaced with 2D4 and 2D6. Also the D20 roll we are thinking of replacing with 2D10. Although I may sctrach that... I mean come on, D20!

--Dieter the Bold 13:00, 24 March 2008 (MST) Not familiar with the Dawnforge Universe. Got any resources to point me towards? Got a line for a Sea-Based 2nd Ed. campaign from a posting at the con this weekend. Gonna' check them out as well. Oh, and I mean to say I'm interested. You GMing or is someone else? What kinda' tone are you going for, is there a specific plot, combat vs. RP heavy, etc.?

--Gdaze -- 2nd ed eh? Man... I just can't do Thac0 again! NUUUU! Well at the Crossroads half priced books they sale the main book for Dawnforge for 10 bucks... yeah..., 10 freaking bucks after I bought it new. There are some nice reviews for it on and amazon. I'd be GMing (much as I'd love to play in a high fantasy RPG with LOOTZ!!!). Most likely more combat with RPing as needed. Tone is Epic. As in the characters will define how the world forms.

Quick Facts: The dark evles have just started their rebellion against the dawn elves. Dwarfs have uneasy alliance with giants. Minotaurs and Orges have just escaped clutches of giants as slaves. A giant (now god-like) killed off most of the dragons on the main content. Tieflings have evil empire based on an island. Yaun-Ti own southern contanent. (tired, 3 hours of sleep) Lizardman just discovered on new Eastern landmass (think primal, dinosaurs, stuff like that) No Gods, only immortals who are powerful but not yet gods. Playable classes are:

Humans (4 types, all much better then standard humans)

Elves (5 types, dawn, dark, moon, ghost, forest)


Ogres (smash)

Minotaurs (honorable warriors)

Gnomes (not inventors yet, more tied to the fey realms so they have elemental powers, phase in and out)

Tieflings (As stated, very evil, not all are but would cause some problems)

Thin bloods (Yaun-Ti lowest classes, would play as escappee, have psychic powers but I dislike those so magic like powers)

Dopplgangers (Can never read but have some neat racial talents)

Lizardmen (Good shamans, shamans=uber druids)

Also if you really wanted to an Orc would be okay as well.

--Dieter the Bold 15:32, 24 March 2008 (MST) Interesting. Wouldn't mind a minotaur or Lizardman run. Describe "epic" a little more? I fear fighting the SDF 3 and Splugorth while firing boompistols. Oh shit, speaking of which, I saw another ad at the con: Robotech in the Stargate world. The SDF 3 has folded into the Stargate world and is fighting mecha against the G'oa'uld. Ridiculous!! Do you know if Half-Price Crossroads still has any of those books? Ben's ex still has mail occasionally arrive at our place, and one such arrival was some Half-Price coupons, which I intend to become a federal criminal and use myself. If they still have it there, I'll totally pony up $10 and have 'em send it over to Capitol Hill and pick it up there, if I end up joining your game. If it's an interesting book to read through anyway, I'm totally down with just buying it for fun. Oh, P.S., no hurry on the answer (besides the start date for the game). So sleep first, than answer my questions.

GABE: So I erased that last one.

So far we are fairly sure of these characters.

Lex - Rogue / Magic users, trying to be an assassin like class.

Nat - Still deabating wither to be an ogre barberian (wow I really can't spell) or perhaps a cleric. I suggest he be both. The thing is he thought of warriors as boring and what he always does but this new Live by the Sword book I got has some really neat feats and things for warriors. He may also be a spell caster.

Steph - A bit unrealiable to show up, he plans on being a dwarf researcher for steam powered stuff. I wanted to use this magic user steam-tech guy from Iron Kingdoms but you can't find that main book anymore... despite them making supplements for it... yeah.. Anyway, he might change this, and his tech won't be too off the wall but I really want it to utilize magic as well as other tech. I mean there is a lot of magic energy in the world so it makes sense to utilize it. Plus giving him alchamy like powers should help the group. I do have like... 3 steampunk D20 systems so I should be able to come up with something.