Werewolf Recap

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1/25/08 the Monsters are Moot

There was a moot. Wahkan drew first blood on Ape eater in a challenge. Monsters near North bend. All hunted monster, sniping by Frank and Dio finished it off. Back tracking to it's lair revealed a warehouse where wurm agents grew said monster in a big fuckoff electronic egg. Many (10?) wurm agents returned and were dispatched. Said agents (including a slug-tongued scientist) had with them another egg. The pack plans to bring at least one egg back to the caern for investigation; they will perhaps attempt to bring it the San Diego glasswalker sept for assistance.

2/1/08 Good Intentions and a Considerable Lack of Planning

The pack's return was met with esteem, and Underdog joined up with them (not feeling too well). Since they had to wait a day to use the moonbridge to Noble Hills, the pack decided to check up on some rumors of a strange flu attacking the human population nearby. On the way, they stopped to check up on Murph, Underdog's ill friend. It turns out that Murph's illness was serious; some pipes fell on his head and made him one mean green monster. Frank was surprised by the visit of a Black Spiral elder. The pack got together and chased Murph-Hulk into an ally, only to be jumped by Spiral Dancers. Underdog took out Murph while trapped in a dumpster (there were rats in it, and he almost got mad when no one listened about there being rats), and the rest of the group took out the Dancers with ease, while working as a team.

So far so good.

Then, each individual's shortcomings took over. Christopher, naive and worried about the fate of the sick children in the hospital, and Wakhan, unschooled in the ways of men, decide to go check out the hospital without waiting for the others and get separated inside. Wakhan breaks the Litany in front of a bunch of cameras. Christopher wastes time trying to heal a kid from the flu. Meanwhile, the rest of the pack is trying to come assist. A black helicopter arrives. Frank, whose lack of subtlety may well be his end, attempts to shoot it down. Chaos ensues. Frank's truck gets blown up. Underdog runs around naked. Dio drags a policeman under his car. Christopher gets shot a whole lot by a gatling gun (better him than Frank, I guess). (Nearly) everyone tries to escape into the Umbra. No one (perhaps distracted by all the madness) manages to do it quickly. Eventually the pack regroups and starts working together (they realize that only one of them needs to step sideways, Wakhan heals Christopher, etc.). Then Dio does his (perhaps ill-advised yet) badass thing and takes out the helicopter from the inside. The pack finally escapes into the Umbra, thanks to Underdog's butt-waving dance, only to find evil spirits hanging over the heads of the sick (including Underdog). Redeemer chastises them while they finish off the spirits.

What have we done?


The pack, suitably humbled, worked long into the night (and next morning) cleansing the taint from the various inflicted victims around the hospital. Christopher got pretty beat up, and then, later, fell asleep like a bitch. The pack made it home, eventually, and after a bit of sleep, was mildly chastised by their elders. Then, they made their way (with the egg) to Sola Tower, via Moonbridge, via the Uppity Cairn of Knowitall Silver Fangs, where Dio learned a lot of useful information (with the help of the interweb) and Underdog played some video games.