Tristano (di Miragliano)

Revision as of 23:33, 19 April 2008 by Brandon (Talk | contribs)

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Hey Matt!

I've been looking through the WFRP book, and I have a pretty good idea of how I want to make my character. The Student -> Engineer career path seems perfect for what I was thinking. So, can you give me an idea of how many xp/advance/etc. I have to spend, or, really, how you want me to create the character in general? Also, I'd like of sense of what type of equipment I might be able to have. For example, I'd like to have a somewhat fancy firearm (maybe that I made myself), but don't know what an appropriate limit to ask for is. It seems that a repeater is out of the question (whether of the pistol or firearm variety), and the same with a Hochland Long Rifle (just examining by cost, anyways), but what about a normal firearm or pistol? Thanks!

I'll write some more character-building stuff (background, etc.) here as I make it up.