Current events

Revision as of 18:19, 30 April 2008 by Edmiao (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)
3/21/08......magic/other..........BnD............... ben gone, Brandon gone, Dieter gone, matt gone
3/28/08......WFRP............BnD............... Gabe gone
4/11/08......WFRP............BnD............... MATT IS STUPID
4/18/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... Matt is STILL STUPID
4/25/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... Matt maybe stupid, Brandon gone
5/09/08......WFRP............BnD............... Ben gone, Ed likely gone

Attendance and Food Preference


--Edmiao 09:33, 28 April 2008 (MST)present, no pizza

--Brandon 09:59, 29 April 2008 (MST) Present. Please with the pizza.

--Dieter the Bold 16:10, 29 April 2008 (MST) Present. Yes pizza.

ED: deiter, will you be home friday for magic?

Ranting and raving or other random comments

Other RPG or Non-RPG gaming Events

Monthly Board Gaming Day

Cleaned up..... check below for accuracy

5/1/08 Thursday Iron Man at midnight

IN: Jason, Rumi, Deiter

5/3/08 Satruday Iron Man early showing

IN: Ed, Cheryl, Gabe, Noel

5/3/08 Saturday Board Games

IN: Ed, Cheryl, maybe Deiter, maybe Jason

GABE: Define early...

ED: whatever consensus is. i was thinking maybe a 1pm or 2pm showing and board games after?

GABE:Sure, 'round 2 is better for me. Cuz you know, the night before we have RP'ing. What theater were you thinking about Ed?

--Edmiao 10:02, 28 April 2008 (MST) i think ben wanted to go cinerama, doesn't matter to me where, though. i can't access the movie times, for some reason the page crashes on my computer.

BEN: I'm busy on saturday, Kim and I will likely see the movie on sunday. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Ed: we can switch to sunday. better for me probably because i won't be hung over from friday late night.

BEN: for the benefit of (possibly Dieter and) Garin, who is only in town until the end of the week, I've just bought tickets for the 4:05pm show on Friday afternoon. Sorry if this is jerking you guys around a bunch. Anyways, 4:05pm show at cinerama on friday, may 2nd. that means we should be back to the house just before 7pm. Hope some of y'all can make it, but understand if you guys are gonna go on the weekend. So far its me, Garin, Matt, and Kim.

Ed: guess you aren't going to the amgen conference on friday? you're gonna miss my talk, that's 30 minutes of napping that you'll never get back.

Ed: gabe,still up for saturday or sunday? I presume from the lack of responses about board games that is falling through.

BEN: kim and I are still down for some board gaming sunday if you want. I didn't even realize amgen was this week...

Ed: pretty stoked about Iron man, it's getting 86% on the tomatometer. that's freakin amazing for what i expected to be a second tier Hulk quality flick.

GABE: I'm okay with seeing it on Saturday (can't on Friday, don't get off work till 4:30...) if you are Ed. I'd like a around 2 showing is possible. Where you two wanna go?

Ed: let's do saturday then. want to come over to our side and go to Northgate oaktree? shows at 1, 1:50, 4:05 and 4:50. could play a round of carcassone after or before if you and noel are interested. parking there is easier than the cinerama, and i still cannot access their movie times either.

GABE: Yeah parking for Cinerama sucks, does the place your mentioning have free parking? Cuz pretty much every movie place over here has free parking, always a + +. The 1:50 time looks nice.

--Edmiao 14:55, 29 April 2008 (MST) yep, free parking. so 1:50, how early should we be there?

GABE: I guess there is a good chance it will sell out huh? Lets meet around... well fuck I'll be up till four most likely the night before... Let us aim for 1:20ish? Too late? If you get there early could you grab me tickets since your closer?

--Dieter the Bold 16:12, 29 April 2008 (MST) Okay, I was going to vote for Saturday along with 2 to 3 other people (Meith and co., for Gabe), but not if you're all going to Northgate. I lived there for half a year, so love to the area, but I'm going to Cinerama.

--Edmiao 16:30, 29 April 2008 (MST) if you wanted to join and do cinerama, i don't mind. i thought you were going thursday or friday.

GABE:Yeah shit dude, then just says lets do cinerama stead of wetting yourself, kekeke. Me and Ed just agreed cuz nobody was saying anything. Lets do cinerama then sat? What are show times?

--Gdaze 19:25, 29 April 2008 (MST) So uh Dieter, post what times you guys were thinking of, no time before one though please.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

GABE: So no magic early this week, tis fine by me (sorry Jason, I gotta do werewolf planning anyway, I mean thats a lot of elder vampires to make up... oops). That said, someone give me a theme for a deck. Anything. Like Green Revolution, communism, whatever. I want to try and make a deck. (I think my decks are getting a lot better!) Dieter will you be at the condo early since Ben will be getting there right at seven most likely???

JASON: Here is a fun theme: 5 color, all casting cost 3 or less.

--Edmiao 11:14, 30 April 2008 (MST) I could actually play magic tonight until like 9-9:30. could do at my place too. last minute found out cheryl is at a dinner meeting, and my talk prep is coming along fairly well.

GABE: Man I don't think I could make a deck like that... But m'eh could try. I think I'll make an "I'd tap that!" deck.

And man Ed, lets duel again with our annoying decks, when I've had more sleep... I can't believe I wasn't using my demonic hordes. Tonight... getting over to Seattle is kinda hard for me. Noelle isn't coming by though so I'm free at my place as well. Although I couldn't start till say sixish, need to do a workout and a bit of other things.

ED: i could do sixish at your place probably. have to see if i can pick up the cards, though..... Ben, deiter gonna be home around 6pm?

BEN: somebody should be home...garin or kim most likely. they can let you in to pick up cards.

JASON: Gabe, that deck is easier to make than you might think, it was one of our most common and popular themes back in my old magic group. All you need to do is get 4 of each basic land, 4 special lands, 8 cards of each color and 1 artifact. Conceivably, you could do 4 of 2 different cards from each color. Use something like 4 creatures (16 total), and make half of the rest things like counterspell, power sink and other ways to mess with opponents stuff, with what remains being things to increase yours. Since you have all 5 colors, you can take your favorite cards of all colors. Its surprisingly easy to play.

GABE: Yeah but another thing is, do I want to play the same kind multi-deck most have? The biggest problem I see is that I have next to zero duel lands. Although I do have the guildpact ones. Ed's multi-deck is already pretty good, but doesn't have the 3 mana restriction...

Eh we don't have to do magic, can if you want, I can't do it all night but I'm totally down if you are Edward.

--Edmiao 13:38, 30 April 2008 (MST)why don't we play by ear. i'll call you later this afternoon and see how our respective days are going.

JASON: You dont need dual lands (though a pain land or two helps) for this deck because the casting costs are all so low. Here is an example (off the top of my head, with only cards I know):

4 forest
3 swamp
4 mountain
3 island
3 plains
4 blue-black pain lands

1 Zuran Orb

1 Savannah Lions
2 Swords to Plowshares
1 Balance
1 Land Tax

4 Lightning Bolt
4 Slith Firewalker

2 Giant Growth
4 Rancor
1 Berserk
4 Blastoderm

1 Demonic Tutor
1 Underworld Dreams
4 Hypnotic Spectre
1 Necropotence

2 Counterspell
2 Power Sink
1 Unsommon

2 Lim-Dul's Vault

Cha-Ching! This deck should work very well in duel, but, as with all my designs, get pwned in multi. Its a common theme, but nothing like other peoples decks. EDIT: Ok, I couldnt think of a green creature when I made this, so now I put in Blastoderm. It costs 4, so its a bit too large, but its rad. Really, the idea is some green creature for the theme to provide muscle.

GABE: That looks pretty fun, but you know I've got like none of those cards... Also to Ed, sure thing, gimmie a call, anyone else is welcomed to join up. I can play till around 8ish or whatever.

BEN: in making a 5 color deck, I would try to avoid anything that costs 2 colored mana

JASON: An excellent point. Thats why I took out the White Knight, even though its one of the best creatures around. The only multiple colored mana cards in this deck are blue or black, both colors that have double the chances because of the pain lands (and the Blastoderm, which is just a placeholder for now). Im gonna make this as my 'teach Rumi to play magic' deck.

GABE: A five color deck is a good way to toss someone into magic so to speak.

Also I think I know what I'll do for my next themed deck, Chess! The problem is what to put in the deck besides the 16 creatures... (1K, 1Q, 2K, 2B, 2R, 8 Pawns) Maybe I could double up on some of these, but I like keeping that number the same... but only 16 creatures in a 60 card deck might be a little low.

JASON: Depending on the rest of your cards, 16 creatures could be plenty. You could also have 32 creatures (16 of each color).

GABE: Yeah I was thinking could do both sides of the ol'chess board. Hmmm, I will try this out over the next few days.

Ed- have to be black and white. queen: Serra Angel vs Fallen angel. just to piss jason off, you need your rooks to be walls.

ED- I'm good to go for tonight gabe. I'll be at your place at 6?

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

GABE: Everyone okay with installing the fire mage as the new Emperor?

--Edmiao 09:33, 28 April 2008 (MST) Oh yeah, baby. let's kill the emperor. that would be so sweet. wait, you're joking, aren't you. don't tease.

GABE: No really, it'd be cool and give us lots of power.

--Edmiao 10:53, 28 April 2008 (MST) wait, you're serious? got any plans? Jacob is so down for emperoricide. in fact, he has wet dreams about it every night.

GABE: Totally. We can use any of Fryfocker's men, Shane has a decent size force to add. Lets see, who else could we call on? I was thinking either an alliance with ol'Sal and his berserkers... but I doubt this. Finding and recruiting your old ranger general may be a good idea too but we are short on time.

Ralling people to our side would be really important. For example sending people like me ahead would be good to foster good will (public speaking, Fel 65%, music & signing ability). We have to watch the Baroness but I figure we could have her marry the fire wizard. We'd have to watch out for anyone who might try and turn on us in battle though so having people next to leaders to wipe them out should they via for the throne themselves would also be important.

--Matts 12:12, 28 April 2008 (MST)You guys are so on point this time it's not even funny!

--Edmiao 12:35, 28 April 2008 (MST)you've got to be kidding me. a band of ragammufs can kill the emperor?

GABE: Even an emperor must bow before a gun, and I've got two of 'em! Whats wrong with trying crazy stuff out? I mean why not? The Empire is ripe for a new leader. I'd like to have some say in who that is. Plus it'd be really fun to try and do. Least gives our characters something to do eh?

--Edmiao 13:27, 28 April 2008 (MST) OK, Jacob is in. it's his fondest desire, doubly unfortunate that i will be absent next session. I suggest we make iggy emperor. Gabe, go read Secret GM Info for Jacob and see if there are any ideas there that you can use to the new plot.

GABE:The rumors are all good, man I should have taken Spy, it would work well for this. Anyway, I don't think we need to be sliting throats to cause panic, the amount of risk it involves compared to payouts is slim. I like the stories about the general, all good stuff. I'm fairly sure there is something really wrong with Fryfocker's son, we need to keep an eye on him in battle to make sure he doesnt' attack our soon-to-be Emperor.

As for making Iggy Emperor he doesn't really fit the Emperor roll. Nobody knows who he is and his personality is fairly dark and manipulative. Dementis trusts him enough but he also has kept many secrets, clearly, from the group so in that regard he only gains so much trust. The fire general is really charasmatic and well known. He will be much easier to marry out to a noble household. Also since Dementis has slept with him and will ride into battle with him I imagen I'll at least hold a little sway. I'm looking to have us all appointed as dukes or whatever. So yeah, lets make a flame Emperor.

--Edmiao 13:56, 28 April 2008 (MST)those are all good traits for an emperor in wfrp. dark secretive devious and evil. but wait! we want to bring about some change in the world, not keep it how it is. so ya, flame emperor. but he's kind of evil too. so let's make Elrin emperor.

--Matts 13:59, 28 April 2008 (MST)I'm just happy to see the group taking the bull by the horns here, that's all...

GABE: Personally none of the characters would make a good Emperor. I mean Bro? All his rulings would have to be shot into the throne room on a crossbow bolt. Best to make dynamic boy the Emperor. Elrin would make a great assassin for the empire. Kill that guy. Okay!

Yeah, should be cool, we need to send out some scouts to find out what Salami is up to. Also, what is the possiblity of Bro making a toxin that can stop them from berserking? If it is possible we need to find some other people who can make it and hire out peseants to find the materials to make them. Not enough to take out armies but enough to take out key berserkers. Like "Wolf Eatter Slayer of Your Entire Army".

Dementis is direct, so my plans will be fairly stright forward. So far it has worked for her, surprisingly.

Also I think we should appoint Bro to be the Emperor's personal doc once we crown him.

It might be nice to have Lee's dude spread word of how Sigmar favors a new sun. One who will burn away the old corruption and renew the land in the flame of strength and retrobution.

Taking it by the horns? Of course I never planned on trying to install someone as emperor... Kekekeke.

GABE: I had this neat idea, say if we need to take out Nuln, use Iggy's contacts to basically ship soilders in... in crates, then they are opened by our loyal staff and storm the city, mwuhahaha!

BEN: as for good emperor candidates, I (Ben) can think of two truly moral characters that were in the game to date: Ambrose and Anjou. Ignotus will lend whatever aid he can to your plans.

Ed: honestly, Jacob would make a great emperor. viva la revolution!

GABE: I don't think we'd want a Britonian. Jacob would sell the palace for booze money... Again, fire dude. We can advise him and all that. No... lets make ROBERT EMPEROR! MWUHAHAHA A DARK AGE OF UTTER BRUTALITY!

The Next Step in Werewolf

Werewolf Recap

PLANS: So just what are some steps people are thinking of taking? If you could give me a rough idea it'd be most helpful.

The gayass story-teller: What a gay name. Anyway, all looks good, I'm gonna guess that we won't make it to the big show down with the fort this week, but I could be wrong... or the character could just rush it head on. Anyway all interesting ideas, it really helps me to see what plans people are going to take. Also there are a few things the characters will learn on Friday. Some hints.

Ed: I see we have two options if we choose to attack. hit the corporate office or hit the hellbeast guarded factory. When we parted, Wakhan was favoring russling up the troops, feinting attack on corporate and then making a real attack on the factory. First, attacking the factory in the real world with a truck borne fertilizer bomb, this to draw the baddies into the real world. then once they shift, hit the factory in the netherworld with the main force. thoughts?

--Matts 22:30, 22 April 2008 (MST)I wanted to get a good idea of what the sewer system around there looked like. I want to use my contacts in the bum community to find someone who knows the area and might have any tips in exchange for whatever, ie roughing up people who are giving him a hard time, cooking him an honest meal, etc.

As far as overall strategy, I think that the truck-bomb is a good idea, but especially that the two-pronged umbral assault is a good idea. I'm gonna ask any bums in the area about what sorts of trucks go through there, what their general look is, and where they're coming from. The waste they're generating these beasts from has to come from somewhere. Maybe we could hijack a real waste-truck, fill it with explosives, and do the deed that way? Like, drive the truck in, hop into the umbra, someone else remotely detonates?

Diverting forces to other targets may be worthwhile, but I'm not convinced that there really are extra resources allocated to this base or that our enemy really considers us a threat.

--Dieter the Bold 11:57, 23 April 2008 (MST) Back when I was considering a crazier version of Frank, Gabe reminded me that this is post-9/11, so large "terrorist" acts might not go over so well. As much as Frank is all about blowing up some BSDs, if we start truck-bombing buildings, all Pentax has to do is nudge the authorities just so and they could put some serious heat down on us. Now blowing up the building so it was in fact a leaky gas line or something? Golden.

--Brandon 13:56, 23 April 2008 (MST) There could be a *crazier* version of Frank? Heaven forbid!

I'm not going to be here this week, but (so?) here are my thoughts on the matter:

(1) We should attack the warehouse/factory ASAP. I'm afraid they will beef up defenses too much or move the factory if we give them the time to do so. I guess I think that our enemy sees us as more of a threat than Matt thinks.

(2) I agree with Wakhan that more reinforcements = better, though I also agree with Dio that we need a creative plan rather than an all-out straightforward attack.

(3) Christopher is going to attempt to figure out how to most effectively utilize his new rite. One possibility might be enacting the rite somewhere away from the warehouse, and then escorting the Chinook spirit (through the Umbra, perhaps with Redemeer's help) to the site to ensure it isn't taken out by defender spirits. This plan could easily be integrated with a number of the other plans, and would be a good redundant destruction plan. That is, if explosives don't work (or the plan is thwarted), maybe the rite will. Indeed, I like best the plan where we feint with a huge force (explosives or otherwise - I'm sensitive to Dieter's worries), pull as many guards as we can from the Umbra into the real world, and then move in in the Umbra (with the Chinook spirit Rite as our Umbral version of the explosion threat).

(4) Lastly, I think that the move on Talos (sp?) Industries could be done in a more clandestine manner, especially since all we want is the laptop. To the best of our knowledge, they don't know that anyone has any idea that the laptop is there, or that it is important. And, since the Umbral approach looks difficult there, I think a spy-like real world approach is most promising. One thought is to approach them as prospective business partners to get inside. With Dio's computer skills and Christopher/Wakhan's ability with Enigmas, we could probably convince them that we have some killer code-encryption or something. Also, Christopher's people skills (Befriend, Empathy) mixed with stealth skills (Invisibility ftw!) might allow him to move around inside. And, of course, Underdog, Lee's Character, and Frank make a to-die-for distraction/S.W.A.T. team.

--Matts 20:36, 23 April 2008 (MST)I think for the laptop, we could stage it like a gang robbery. Underdog's got some gang contacts and the like, word could get out about some valuable shit being up in there, and "certain parties" could be interested in the laptop. OR! Dio goes to interview for an internship, some of us start a ruckus and allow him to get out with the laptop. OR! We impersonate the Mexican cleaning staff and nab it (Underdog speaks Spanish!).

BEN: I think the job app is a good idea, although we don't even have to get the laptop right away. As long as I can get a fake id, so to speak. Dio will want to research how information gets in and out of the factory: if they have phone lines, where do they run? do they have radios? Is there a courier that goes to and from the building? could we jump said courier and get valuable intel off of him/her? Do they do any communication or other stuff through the umbra? Also, how would the weaver feel about this factory? could we pass bumping it off off on their team? As mentioned above, what sorts of delivery trucks go in/out? Are they hooked up to the electrical grid? If they have their own generators, they must be shipping in gasoline constantly.

--Brandon 10:00, 29 April 2008 (MST) So, can someone let me know what I missed last week? What stage are we at in terms of our mad schemes and diabolical plans?