Current events

Revision as of 10:53, 16 June 2008 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)
6/06/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... Dieter not home until 7pm, Brandon absent or late
6/13/08......Surprise..........BnD............... Brandon gone
6/20/08......Super Heroes............BnD............... Brandon still gone
6/27/08......Super Heroes............BnD............... Kim gone
7/04/08......?????...........BnD...............Ed absent
7/11/08......?????...........BnD............... Brandon gone
7/18/08......?????...........BnD............... Brandon gone
8/01/08......?????...........BnD...............Ben (and Kim) gone, Brandon gone
8/08/08......?????...........BnD...............Ben (and Kim) gone, Brandon gone (& officially married)
8/15/08......?????...........BnD...............Ben (and Kim) STILL gone
8/29/08......?????...........BnD...............Last session at BnD (BEN: not the last session at the location, but rather the last session with that location identifying itself as BnD, at which time it will revert to its Ur-identity (see "Address" bar, on your screen, above). To be less, as both Ed and I described it, verbose, Dieter is moving in with some friends of his at the end of August. Thank you) (DIETER: Awwww.... I was hoping for a few eruptions of confusion and fear before clearing it all up. Spoilsport).
BEN "spoilsport": sorry. I thought you might be, but then I decided that clearing up fear and confusion on the wiki would take up like 5 pages of text.

Attendance and Food Preference


Ranting and raving or other random comments

--Edmiao 12:58, 13 June 2008 (MST) why would you put a bullet in a classic rifle like that, and what situation ??? maybe i don't want to know.

JASON: Its kinda comical. The neighbors house was broken in to one afternoon, so she called the cops. Just before that Matt had ordered pizza, and the back door was left ajar. The cops came and started walking around to see if the break-in suspect was still around. They saw our back door ajar and approached. They yelled 'Police!', but he was watching a cop show so he thought it was on tv. The cop came in, gun drawn. Matt heard a noise and came out to the kitchen, where the cop aimed his gun at him.

Later that night we were both upstairs talking and we heard a big crashing noise downstairs. Because of the incident we were really cautious. I got the gun and loaded it, and Matt grabbed my kendo sword. We then went downstairs to investigate. No one was there, but still it was pretty funny.

--Edmiao 18:56, 14 June 2008 (MST) that's hillarious... and somehow distrubing.

Other RPG or Non-RPG gaming Events

Monthly Board Gaming Day

--Gdaze-- Well if anyone is interested in some Heroscape let me know in advance.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

--Edmiao 16:53, 13 June 2008 (MST)you can never ever prevent a cost from being paid. Costs inclued: Tap, mana, sacrifice. thus you can never prevent a tim from tapping nor a bloodfire from sacrificing itself. example: Terror bloodfire, in response sacrifice bloodfire, and terror fizzles. example: icy manipulator to the Tim, in response tim taps to do 1 damage, icy fizzles. ben hates this mechanic, but still icy manipulator is one of the best all around cards in the game.

JASON: One other way to think of this is that an effect does not begin to resolve until all of its costs are paid. First pay, then resolve. In the above example the Icy Manipulator does not fizzle because it still has a legal target and that target is tapped, it just doesnt make any further difference. Icy is a good card, but not nearly as used as it once was. The 4 cost is kinda high. I have like 6 of them, since they reprinted in Darksteel and Ice Age, but I never put them in decks. I always think of it, though. Back in the day it was one of my favorite cards. I was really disappointed when they reprinted it in Ice Age because the original art was so nice.

--Edmiao 18:57, 14 June 2008 (MST) i'm using icy in a deck with betrayal (enchant creature opponent controls, when creature taps draw a card) and with psychic venom in a blue control deck. it works sometimes but needs some tune ups.

--Edmiao 19:00, 14 June 2008 (MST)what was the rules question that I had last night, ben?

BEN: if you have a spell that says: remove target creature from the game. return it at the end of the turn to play. Do enchantments on it go to the graveyard?
Also, I realized that with all the control decks our group loves to make, I've got to play to the demographic. I've never been very good at taking the "field of play" into consideration when making a deck, except when it comes to red elemental blast. I thought some more about the elf deck and I think I can tune it to work at least a little better against decks that just grind it into the dust, like the black deck.

BEN: Home > Games > Magic > > Columns English | Français

GABE: I thought the other one was if you put a creature (or land) into play that says "when this card is brought into play return other creature (or land) to your hand, if you don't have any other creatures or land does the card go back into your hand?

Blink and You'll Mist It Devin Low Latest Developments Friday, April 18, 2008

omentary Blink has performed all kinds of crazy acrobatics ever since it was printed in Time Spiral. Sometimes it seems like you run into a new Momentary Blink combo every week. Your key creature blinks away to dodge an Incinerate. Your Avalanche Riders blinks out instead of paying echo, then blinks back in to destroy more lands. Your three-mana morph blinks out, then blinks in as the eight-mana Akroma, Angel of Fury. Your Mulldrifter blinks out and comes back again to draw more cards. And soon your Murderous Redcap can blink back to shed his -1/-1 counter and deal 2 damage all over again. Momentary Blink is definitely an update of the Urza's Destiny rare sorcery Flicker that inspired it.

For all that Momentary Blink does, there are definitely some things it fails to do. It can't save your creatures from Wrath of God or Pyroclasm, since your creature always comes back immediately, just in time to die to the mass removal. You can't use Momentary Blink to tuck your creature away long enough to Jokulhaups the board and have your creature come back, since Blink just doesn't keep it away long enough. Liberate, from Invasion, is a similar card that addresses this, keeping your creature out of the game for the whole turn while Wrath or Damnation resolves, then returning the creature to play at end of turn.

But in Shadowmoor, Liberate liberates itself from all those pesky restrictions, like white mana, being uncommon, and only targeting your own creatures. Click here to see it:

Turn to Mist is a Shadowmoor common that does something similar to Flicker, Liberate, or Momentary Blink, but with key differences, giving up a four-mana flashback for a looser colored costs and a variety of new tricks that Momentary Blink can't perform, revolving around the ability of Turn to Mist to hit opponents' creatures. Hitting opponents' creatures means you can remove their auras, which turns out to be crucial in a world of multiple, powerful, common auras like Shield of the Oversoul.

You can prevent all the damage that an enemy Dragon would deal to you by Turning it to Mist at the last moment, another place Momentary Blink can't help you. You can "flicker" out enemy blockers with Turn to Mist to get them out of the way for the turn while you attack, which is something else Momentary Blink can't do. Turn to Mist eliminates enemy token creatures forever, in a way that Momentary Blink can't.

Since Turn to Mist brings creatures back at end of turn instead of right away, it also saves your creatures from mass removal like Wrath of God in way that Liberate and Momentary Blink can't.

The Next Step in Werewolf

Werewolf Recap

Next step in Super Heroes

--Matts 14:48, 7 June 2008 (MST)My preference at this point is to start supers at the next session I run, since momentum on WFRP is low at the moment, and I'm personally more excited to start something new than to have a few lame-duck sessions of WFRP.

So this bumps up the timetable a bit, but if characters aren't totally done by the 20th, we can just run play out some prologues as we finish up the characters.

KIM: So I just figured out how this damn page works, and finally found the secret scroll of supers lore. Geesh. Seems general consensus is cool with me hopping on-board so (barring a nay-say from Matt) I will put some time into building a backstory for my character, and bat my pretty eyes at Ben to help me with the sheet. As my fav characters are Batman and Marvel Girl, I'll likely feel most comfortable channeling a bit of the two, so expect brainy but moody, and the occasional surprise kick-ass-ness.

--Gdaze 22:40, 11 June 2008 (MST) So will your name be Batmarvel? No wait... MARVELBAT! Marvel girl is pretty cool though.

--Edmiao 09:52, 12 June 2008 (MST) so we still need to integrate Gabe, Kim and Deiter and maybe Jason's characters into our Super Heroes Wiki-Prologue? Or should we just have everyone meet on session one, as the wiki-prologue is not making much progress as of yet.

KIM: So I built the concept of my character to somewhat fit into the picture, so if she may have interacted with other heroes in backstory, they may not have been aware of her abilities, but she knows about them. Try this on for size: by day, a famous actress (gives her money for cool gadgetry a la Bruce Wayne, and easily puts her in NY) who is also a UN Goodwill Ambassador (a la Angelina Jolie, and can put her in Iraq around the time that everyone else is there). As an ambassador, she's clearly empathetic, savvy, and excels at communication... so, powers to heal, telepathy, telekinesis perhaps, but as she's a woman AND and actress (true to form) when her powers are drained she's moody and goes into PMS mode (hoping to incorporate the Phoenix here). Feedback, anyone?

--Gdaze-- Just as long as you don't dismantle us into atoms iz A-OK with me.

That said, I picked up a bunch of my comics yesterday I so I just wanted to double check this because the Dieter talk page is so lengthy... this world is going to have a Marvel feel correct?