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--Gdaze Alright... does anyone have any suggestions for powers? My guy is liquid metal but I'd like him to have SOME kinda other power.... He is pretty much fleshed out now though.

JASON: How about mimicry, shapeshifting, desolidification (not through solid objects), stretching, entangle... Need more?

--Gdaze -- Yeah he has all those, I was thinking something that seperates him from being Venom/T2, but then again I'm affraid I'll become too unfocused.

--Edmiao 12:50, 17 June 2008 (MST)thats a lot of powers.

JASON: Well if you want to be a total ripoff of Buckethead you can throw in Mind Control.

--Matts 13:17, 17 June 2008 (MST)You could give him limited magnetic powers, that might make some sense. But don't worry about making your powers unique for the sake of uniqueness, unless that's a big issue for you. We can always start the character focused and add new powers with exp.

--Gdaze -- Hmm hmm, yeah maybe stay focused. Thanks though, and that is a neat addition to a liquid metal dude. I mean I'm already capped out on points as is.