Tech Level

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The following table details the meaning of Tech Level in the Space Opera universe. I always assumed there was a table somewhere which compared tech levels in the book, well, I havent been able to find it. This means that what follows is an extrapolation based on looking at items and how they are rated. This might evolve as the game happens.

TL 1: Simple machines and tools such as atlatl.
TL 2:
TL 3: Crossbows and abacus.
TL 4: First gunpowder weapons.
TL 5: Current technological levels.
TL 6: Highest levels of technology on current earth in 25 years. Genetic engineering, full automation.
TL 7: Lasers, early space travel. Primitive TISA and FTL drives.
TL 8: Blasters, gauss weapons.
TL 9: Fusion weapons. Robotic automatons.
TL 10: Computer self-awareness.
TL 11:
TL 12: Totally fucking crazy shit I havent dreamed up yet.