Braddock Sterling

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Lord Braddock Sterling is the Sterling family patriarch. He is 56 years old and has been married to Lady Cynthia Blackstone Sterling for the last 38 years. He has 5 children, including 4 boys. He also has 2 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers.


Braddock Sterling was born during the Renfield Incident, and so was estranged from his parents for much of his youth. During this time he was raised almost exclusively by Maester Bilson Tuttle. Because of this upbringing he developed a strong sense for numbers, as well as a love of organization and academic pursuits.

When his father returned he was disappointed to find his son so weak and uncoordinated. He was sent to work on martial and athletic pursuits immediately, which Braddock did not enjoy. Even though he was older, he was not as accomplished as Darren, his younger brother. The frustration of constantly finishing second weighed heavily on his conscience, and he pushed himself to improve and gain his fathers favor.

He dedicated himself to practice, and began to gradually improve. Eventually he attended his first tournament and tragedy struck. During a joust he was struck hard, and though he also unhorsed his opponent, he fell awkwardly and crushed his pelvis. It took many years to fully recover, but even now he cannot ride a horse at gallop without severe pain.


Because of his handicap, he withdrew even further from military duties. He passed these along to his favorite of the younger brothers, Blaise. Braddock developed into a capable administrator and strong negotiator. Among his most impressive accomplishments was the marriage of his eldest child, Corinna Sterling Redwyne, to a strong Tyrell Bannerhouse, the Redwynes. This solidified their alliance and greatly improved prestige and future for the house.