Gemini Alternate Universe; Prologue Test Run

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PCs main cast:

(3/9)Matt- high-stakes gambler (pilot) [owns Ed as slave Q] [gets jumped by debtors and shot 9] [collects Beanie Babies 2] [Matt gains poker rival when beaten while drunk 8] [Dieter helps save Matt from electronic cheating 3] [defeated by nemesis when drunk again 9]
(5/5)Gabe- ex-MegaCorp archeologist (captain) [worked for Core on planetary shipping & met Dieter who helped him out in a jam 5] [hooked up with clunker ship after having worked for the corp for several years 6] [collection of glass menagerie birds 2] [nigh mortally wounded in knife fight w/ nobleman insulted by Ed J] [pederast A]
(A/0)Ed- miner [homeplanet gets raided by Yggdrasil and sold as slave Q] [Ed starts huge bar brawl and gets a whoopin' 8] [Ed freed as cut of mining money 7] [Falls in love with Matt's rival 7] [insults Lycurgan nobleman and gets Gabe in fight J] [mortally wounded by escaping pirates A] [saved by Navi-doc Q] [heals well from wounds 7]
(K/1)Dieter- tech [college roommates with Matt J] [dive into ambush with Matt and drag him out despite injuries -8] [saves most valuable Beanie Babie for Lycurgan collector and receives it in reward 6]

Supporting cast:

(J) Navigator [cheap doctor fixes up D & M turns out to be navigator and agrees to take percentage of find for fees 4] [also K-tech scholar who figures out how the ship works K] [monetarily indebted to Matt in gambling Q] [knows Lycurgan collector of Beanie Babies 9]
(4) Red shirt [involved in bar brawl supporting Ed, ex-slave 4] [miner interested in signing on 2] [act as second in duel w/ G&D 4] [PDA blinged out by Dieter 2]
(4) Red shirt [involved in bar brawl supporting Ed, ex-slave 6] [miner interested in signing on 5] [saved by Ed during pirate fight and is eternally grateful to him A] [act as second in duel w/ G&D 5]

Story: (6, -6, 3, 5, 4, 7)

Gabe picks up junker ship, 6
Ship breaks down and piece costs more money than we have, -6
Matt wins ship debt in gambling but earns emnity over it, 3
Ed sells himself as a gold-finder for hooking up on our ship, 5, 4
Sell nice mining find via debtors and smooth over previous troubles; now contacts, 7

Ship: (J, 10, A, K, 8, K, Q, J, 9) 297 pts.

Ship's old but rugged & reliable and huge (SC 8+), J Put efforts together and score ship-mining equipment to fix up en route, 10 K-tech parts turn up when we're ambushed by pirates, auto-repair systems fix damage, A Ship based atmospheric fighter won in gambling match put onto the ship, K Ship has surprisingly efficient fuel sytem, 8 Archeochamber, K Ship mysterious, Q Enhanced subsurface scanners, J Strange interface that's talking back coherently, 9 Ship stolen, -5

Loot: (8, 10, 10, 9, A, 10) $610,000

Good find in mining and surveying equipment, 8 Generic loots, 10 Heavy labor robots salvaged from derelict, 10 Pirate weapons and prisoners from failed raid, 9 Generic loots from mining haul, A Badass personal transport, 10 Some lootz is stolen, -5