More Rumors of the state of the empire

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The state of the Empire is one of restless unease. The war in Araby is distant, though messengers say it is over, prisoners of war arrive on slave galleys every day in major ports. The morale of the troops returning from tours is not good; all reports point to what must have been a harsh and taxing campaign in a land far removed from home. The religious fanaticism stirred up by propaganda during the Arabian wars has yet to die down.

The power structure is as it has been for some time; the Empire controls the lands militarily, and the merchant classes and nobles vie for power politically. Certainly, the Empire encourages trade; that's taxable revenue. And military service serves to promote those of a lower standing into the middle class, due to the mercenary's salary.

And yet, people are restless. All this mixing, some say, has made people stagnant. Monied merchants find ways to increase their wealth, often at the expense of recently minted ex-soldiers. Noble families cling to what remains of their heritage, even though their status is accorded only due to their inherited wealth. Disease is common, and people are all the more vulnerable itenerant nature of the people. Those not chosen by the Ranger-General are often distressed, and disconent at being left behind. The favorite son who leaves with the army often returns to find that his newfound social status has put a divide between his family and him - for those with no money at all, the peasants, the only way up is in the Emperor's service. As such, the lower classes view the Ranger-Generals with suspicion and jealousy. They bring disease and they take children; they also stamp out crime and bring news.

A Ranger-General's authority, however, is absolute. They are like small, mobile duchies, beholden only to the Emperor. They are charged with keeping the peace, but their quality varies greatly. Some are tyrants; some are wise. Some are fanatics, some are practical. The one constant is that they are the only true power.