Talk:Black Sun, White Moon

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--Edmiao 07:41, 25 April 2008 (MST) This sounds really intresting, didn't get a chance to read it until now. I get sort of the broad strokes you paint for the different realms. This concept strongly reminds me of Neil Gaiman's Sandman, which I just finished reading (you can get them from the library). If you were inclined, you might read those for further inspiration. would you set the real world aspect in modern times, past or future?

GABE: What system would it use?

JASON: It would probably use the 'Gabe's Mom' system, wherein if you avoid getting a whole host of nasty diseases, you have won.

Gabe: Then... you've all already lost.

--Matts 09:09, 25 April 2008 (MST)I also like this setting a lot as well. Is there a specific source or inspiration you had to make it?

BEN: glad you guys like it. The inspiration comes from several sources: Night watch (the book), Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, Stardust, and the World of Darkness. I haven't read Sandman, but I"m sure I should...maybe that should be next on my reading list. I had originally envisioned the real world aspect in modern times, but that's obviously not necessary. For system, I would probably use a slightly modified WoD: I'm still working on the best ways to do the magic component of the game. Currently, the main modifications would be that in the Dreamscape, willpower functions as health levels, and that people would have a path rating (I like paths). I'll put in some stuff about magic later today.

--Edmiao 11:21, 25 April 2008 (MST) modern world would be the easiest, since we are all familiar with it. but for some reason i hanker for the 18th-19th century, I think it's because I just saw Sweeny Todd, which was set in that era, same feel as League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. kind of old world charm where you could imagine dreams bleeding into reality. in the modern era dreams seem dead, which provides a nice contrast in and of itself and make more clear cut divisions between the worlds. just thoughts.