Talk:Future Imperfect chapter 2

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--Melonberg 15:49, 27 March 2016 (MST) I noticed you largely went with descriptions of what "column" to check on the cards for stats and such. If we intend to use that kind of reference consistently, what if instead of using d4, d6, d8, etc., we use the convention of c1, c2, c3 and so on? If you would roll 2d6, maybe our new standard for expressing that in writing would be 2c2 (2 cards, column 2)? Unless you have already covered this elsewhere and/or if you think is is too great a disconnect to the conventions of gaming that everyone has been familiar with for decades now (which may be a viable concern and topic of discussion).

--Melonberg 15:52, 27 March 2016 (MST)On a humorous side note, according to the GPR Starsector Atlas, MekPurr go nuts for traditional Terran Chinese food and Japanese cuisine to a lesser extent.

--Jason 18:49, 29 March 2016 (MST)This abbreviation works. I was thinking of skill columns being roman numerals, and damage columns be a x(y). We can add the c for column, so it is cI, cII etc.