Talk:Werewolf Character Guidelines

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--Matts 16:39, 11 January 2008 (MST)Hey gabe can we take merits and flaws? I took 4 points of flaws so that I could have a few dots in subterfuge.

Gabe: Actually yeah, but see I don't have any player books, for any of the whitewolf systems so I don't know them. But yeah you can take them. I think four points is a good amount of flaws. I may reassign flaws though, not all, just a few.

BEN: the books usually allow up to 7 points in flaws, which would give you 22 freebies. I have the vampire players guide, although I don't think its here in seattle. YOu can find descriptions for most of the merits/flaws in random places online.

--Matts 18:11, 11 January 2008 (MST)I have the werewolf player's guide, first crappy edition. I'll bring it tonight, and we've also got the mage player's guide at ben's house.

--Edmiao 12:59, 13 January 2008 (MST)you left your players guide at bens, and i borrowed it.

--Edmiao 23:14, 13 January 2008 (MST) Gabe, questions: we can take 7 points of flaws, which add 7 freebie points? do i remember right that you can only spend your abilities up to 3 dots with the alloted points, and to get to 4 dots you need to use freebie points?

BEN: according to the 2nd edition rules, that's correct, I think.

GABE: Yup, anything above 3 dots for abilities you need to use freebie points. One thing, if I find that you've taken too many disadvantages as to make your character too burdersome I will nix some of your disadvantages. Just something to keep in mind!

Gabe: Another quick note... Becarful about pour ALL your back-ground points into your totem. There are places your totem will not be able to go (or maybe go and be weakned) such as very heavily corrupted sites. Also I've noticed the group is weak on langauge skills, not too big a deal as Dieter and Ed still have yet to make their characters.