The Lore of the Heavens

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What follows is the list of the spells for Lore of the Heavens in The Tiger Eye Cameo of Ibn-al Azrad and The Warhammer World using the Deadlands hybrid system I am currently developing.

Difficulty Time Components Description
Birsdpeak Pair Action+ A birds tongue (+2) You can speak and understand the language of birds for a number of minutes equal to your casting. Power Level 1.
Clear Sky Ace Action+ Bottled breath of an eagle (+2) Clear a single cloud from a sky and keep the sky clear for one minute per level of Casting. Power Level 1.
Curse Pair Action A broken mirror (+2) Curse one opponent within 24 yards. For the next 24 hours that person has the difficulty of all actions raised by +2 (and an additional +2 per raise) and all attacks vs them are +1 (+1 additional per raise). Power Level 2.
Fate of Doom Three of a Kind 1 Hour The noose of a hanged man (+3) Blood and hair of the victim are required, and the caster must be within 1 mile of the intended victim. If successful, the victim gains the Damned background with cards drawn each day. Opponent is penalized -4 to resist. Power Level 5*.
Finding Divination Pair Action+ A chipped lens (+3) Magically sense the location of an item. Duration is one minute, plus one level up the time chart per raise. Power Level 3.
First Portent of Amul Ace Action A piece of glass (+1) Affected character gains one white chip which must be used before cards are drawn again (not for bounty). Power Level 1.
Fortune's Renewal Pair Action+ A rabbits foot (+2) Target character draws a fate chip for each success and raise. Power Level 3.
Lens on the Sky Ace Action A pinch of clean sand (+1) Create a giant lens to see faraway objects. Power Level 1.
Lightning Bolt Ace Action A tuning fork (+1) Magic missile of strength 4d8, +1d8 per success over Ace. Power Level 2.
Omen Ace 1 Minute The liver of a small animal (+1) Gain knowledge of favorable or unfavorable portent. Vision is accurate for 5 minutes +1 level on the time chart per extra success level. Power Level 1.
Polish, Clean and Gleam Ace Action A clean rag (+1) Clean any perceptive piece of equipment. Power Level 1.
Premonition Pair Action A rabbits foot (+2) Target gains one white chip that must be used within the next 24 hours (not for bounty). Power Level 2.
Project Spirit Pair 2 Action+ A pinch of horseradish (+2) Limited astral projection. Power Level 2.
Second Portent of Amul Pair Action+ A piece of stained glass (+2) As first portent except the target gains 2 white chips and the effect lasts one hour. Power Level 2.
Signs in the Stars Two Pair 2 Action+ A vial of eagles blood (+3) Write a coded message in the stars. Power Level 4.
Starshine Pair 2 Action+ A star chart (+3) Create light, banish darkness and reveal all hidden stuff within 48". Duration is one minute per level of Casting. Power Level 4.
Third Portent of Amul Pair 2 Action+ A drop of your own blood (+2) Ignore the next exploding damage die dealt to enchanted character. Treat the entire die as 0. Duration is one day or one use. Power Level 2.
Wind Blast Pair Action An animal bladder (+2) All beings inside a 2" radius are knocked down and must make a Vigor test or be stunned. Missile weapons cannot be fired into or out of area. Power Level 2.
Wings of Heaven Pair Action+ A doves feather (+2) You may fly for a number of minutes equal to your Casting +1 for each success level. Your movement is 150% of normal. Power Level 3.

*Target is allowed an opposed Spirit test to resist.
+No movement is allowed while performing this action.