XCOM Mission Display

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Once I figure out how to make a map that will be clickable or otherwise track leads, it'll be here. This page will also cover the results of secondary missions undertaken by Peter Chalk's team.

Vernon Followup Report by Peter Chalk
There was a great deal of activity both from official agencies and an influx of volunteers helping to clean up the aftermath of the chemical explosion in Coldstream. The Canadian authorities identified the culprit who blew up the plant as Mark Fallow, a plant employee and administrative intern, who is still in a coma in ICU. His injuries were consistent with chemical burns and explosive trauma. We checked into his background and could not find any reasons for such a violent act; Mr. Fallow was a college student majoring in history, came from a stable family, had very little debt, and was described as cheerful and optimistic by friends and family. I discontinued my search into his background at this time.

We also spoke with Farmer Wolf who is a very friendly man but he suffers from recurrent headaches. He said this was due to an inoperable brain tumor (he described it as "mostly benign") that he was diagnosed with back in 2004 and he treats it with marijuana. Mr. Wolf had a great many visitors prior to the Canadian XCOM team arriving; many of the visitors would just stare at him and not speak, though they sweated and faces were red, before they left. He reported this to the police but none of his neighbors seemed to recall such visitors even though Wolf saw the same people go to his neighbor's farms. The visitors were dressed in suits and Wolf thought they might have been from a church.

The police station was where we found some interesting dirt. Officer Alphie Inman who was acting fishy when questioned by Agent Dermond Bass was still acting fishy when I questioned him. I had one of my team tail him and Officer Inman tried to leave town at night in a great hurry. We captured him outside of town and questioned him and found he had acted under coercion. Apparently he has a twin sister, Evangeline, who is sterile and no amount of fertility treatments ever helped her conceive. Officer Inman was approached by a Doctor Sasha Borgova, who allegedly runs a clinic in Beverly Hills, and said he had an experimental treatment that would help Evangeline conceive. In trade, Officer Inman was to delete any complaints from the Wolf farm. Inman agreed to this as his twin sister wanted children so badly and Dr. Brogova assured him that nothing bad would come of this. We let Officer Inman go but I personally bugged the shit out of his home and that of his sister.