Current events

Revision as of 15:22, 29 February 2008 by Dieterthebold (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)
1/4/08.......WFRP............BnD...............(Ben Gone, Ed present)
1/18/08......totally cancelled
2/8/08.......W-Wolf .........BnD...............
2/15/08......WFRP............BnD............... ed gone
2/16/08......bday one shot..BnD...............
2/22/08......???.............BnD............... Matt at GDC
2/29/08......???.............BnD............... ed maybe
3/14/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... ben gone
3/21/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... ben gone
3/28/08......WFRP............BnD............... Gabe gone

Attendance and Food Preference


--Edmiao 13:54, 23 February 2008 (MST) 50% chance to attend. won't know until friday night.

GABE: 25% I won't be there, unsure as of yet.

--Dieter the Bold 16:07, 25 February 2008 (MST) Getting a root canal on Thursday. So, 100% chance of being physically present, but 25% chance of being mentally absent.

Ranting and raving or other random comments

GABE: I can't seem to locate my Werewolf main book... is it at the condo? Can everyone check if they may have taken it by mistake? Thanks.

BEN: there are 3 main books at BnD

Gabe: Phew! I was gonna ask yesterday but got distracted by getting my booty kicked.

Other Non-RPG gaming Events

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

--Matts 17:04, 27 February 2008 (MST)So what's everyone's plan now? World events are moving, and action will soon be a neccesity...

--Edmiao 22:36, 27 February 2008 (MST) missed the last wfrp. anyone care to fill in the recap? are we on wfrp this week? still not sure if i'll be there, of course. btw, the snow in keystone is freakin awesome. great skiing.

BEN: last week, there was the fireworks show. More importantly, steward Rausch announced that Freifocker had golbfahren killed to make the town more law abiding. So we're off the hook for that one. To follow that up, Sheng went and killed the old head of the corrupt militia, and hopefully recruited some of his old lackeys. The town also got attacked by a strange barbarian with a really nice axe: he was part of salud-al-din's army, which has recently broken through the southern wall and invaded the border princes, on a bee-line for Altdorf. We captured the dude at some cost to our mercenaries, but still haven't figured out what exactly is up with him. Ignotus' plans (detailed below) relate largely to this. That's all I can remember...other people can fill in.

Ignotus Plans:

1.) if any of the militia come back to kreutzhofen, Ignotus will let judah take any of them into the watch he wants: all the rest will form the start of a labor gang ignotus needs for his plans for kreutzhofen: they will be paid.

2.)Ignotus will hire the best stone mason, the best engineer, and the most veteran soldier WITH siege experience in the region, at the going rate (he's got 72gc to work with): their task, between the three of them, is to make Kreutzhofen, AND both the pass to the border princes and to bretonnia defensible: to start they will have the militia goons to do preliminary gopher work, with more to come when the plans are laid.

3.)Ignotus will tell holly fuchs to propose, in the council, that all able bodied men between the ages of 16-45 undergo military training under Judah to make sure the city is well prepared. At the same time, he will tell Sheng to get the word "on the street" that everybody should sign up for this, since he might have use for trained people at some point in the future in his lucrative gang. Ignotus will tell Judah to commandeer the guns from Gunther's house, and that if he wants, Sheng will train the most able bodied men that he's got to use them. Sheng's instructions, of course, will include wooing these men with women, booze, and his winning personality to become loyal to him, for future use.

4.)Ignotus will also suggest that holly and the other council members, and/or any merchants, buy up as much easily storable/non-perishable food and stores of clean water as would sustain the town for 6 months. if she is hesitant, he will point out that he has contacts that will likely be able to resell the goods at a profit in short order if the town is not under threat.

5.)Lamprecht drucker is to get the word out that the pious and the brave should see him if they want to do something to save sigmar's holy realm. Anyone who comes to him is to be sent to kreutzhofen.

6.)Ignotus will also woo the priest of the local temple...he will ask the priest to give rousing sermons, and that if men come from out of town, that he should get them "psyched up" for making holy war against the infidel, ie, working for food and lodging rather than pay to get a force to protect kreutzhofen ready.

7.) EDIT: ignotus did in fact meet with the Japanese fellow, who wants to kill some sort of fish/octopus/water demon that killed his father. He thinks it is in that strange cave with the river in it that we found. I told him that we would help him out with this if he would lend us his services in killing the rat men.

EDIT: I didn't say they would build a wall, although we should definitely build a wall around the town: if salud al din has less gunpowder than the empire, he'll be hard pressed to lay seige to a properly fortified town...although he did smash that other wall. nevertheless, against an outrider force, like cavalry or light infantry, which is the only thing he could sneak back here, a wall would be essentially impenetrable. As for the passes, there will be no way we can wall them off: but we could modify existing land features (rock slides, defiles, etc) to create traps/areas where few could defend against many.

GABE: Yup, thats pretty much what happened, one thing of note, the Not-Orc took a LOT of damage before going down. While I think building up a wall is nice and trying to attract soilders, others are doing this as well. Another problem is that a great wall, a very famous wall, already fell to this general. Not saying we shouldn't but something to keep in mind.

Also doesn't ol'Sal use magic?

Anyway, Dementis is on her way to Nordberg or whatever it is called to go meet with the Baroness. Her goal is to forge an alliance between her and the Count. If they allie together they will be posed to take power during the coming battle. Er, AFTER the coming battle. Oh and suggest to use the Border Princes but doubts they will be of much help.

She also has some investigations to do on certain nobles.

EDIT: Also Ignotus met with the Japanese sushi most likely a deadly samurai and enlisted his help if we help him, he has a very large knife.

--Edmiao 07:36, 29 February 2008 (MST) seems like if you want to defend the town from an advancing army that you can pretty much forget it. you might fend off some random scouting parties, though. in such, an armed force would be good. also, though, a plan for what to do if the actual army comes through would be necessary. to this end, organizing scouting parties to keep watch would be essential and an evacuation or capitulation plan necesary. for capitulation to be feisable, we would need to know if other small towns have been pillaged or left alone. most likely a hungry army pillages. evacuation plan: we would need to hide the entire town in someplace close by that is hard to find, say a mile long cave. wait. don't we have one of those nearby?

Elrin's plans: collaborate with mr japanese to invesigate the cave and consider it as an underground bunker in case of war. also, plan for his own escape route to high tail it out of here if the shit goes bad, which sounds likely.

--Dieter the Bold 13:22, 29 February 2008 (MST) Kreuzhofen is nice and all, but I'm not up for risking my life for it against a massed army of crazed beserkers and a fast-becoming legendary general. I'm more than happy to make up some healing draughts and poultices to sell to the town for equipping their peoples, but there's no way in hell I'm sticking around if the army really does come a' knockin'. Dead doesn't pay very well.

The Next Step in Werewolf

Werewolf Recap