Lt. Maniersi: Flight Officer's Log, Stardate 40351.6

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Lt. Maniersi: Flight Officer's Log ..... Joran Maniersi ..... Star Trek: The Triangle Missions

Joran Maniersi, Flight Officer's Log, Stardate 40351.6:

My first ship-to-ship engagement. A harrowing experience, given all the casualties suffered, but I must admit to a level of excitement beyond what I would expect from the adrenaline. It started at one of the briefings we were having, trying to figure out where the Drov'na could have been taking the Blood Fever medication. General consensus placed Valtor 2 inside the Klingon Empire as the most likely destination. Captain Koyanagi decided that the level of coordination evident between the Chang clan and the Romulans required further investigation, so she contacted some Gowron allied Klingons and requested permission to rendezvous with them at Valtor 2. Permission granted, she ordered us ahead and into danger. I had anticipated the Captain's plans and had several routes available for her to choose from, and she decided on the one likeliest to avoid detection. Arriving in good time and without incident, we discovered our Klingon contacts, consisting of two Birds-of-Prey, already engaged in fierce battle with the Drov'na and another supporting Bird-of-Prey. They welcomed us to the battle and we were immediately engaged by the Drov'na.

I did my best to maneuver the Niven out of harm and into the most advantageous firing positions, but the Drov'na was a powerful ship, and the blows exchanged between us took their toll on both equipment and crew. After several exchanges, the Drov'na dropped her shields and launched a flight of shuttles that immediately descended onto the planet. Captain Koyanagi didn't want them digging in, so she ordered Prime Team Alpha and a contingent of marines to launch launched in our own shuttles. Once our shuttles were away, the Klingon commander, Gowron forces, sent a challenge to the Drov'na for honorable hand-to-hand combat. The challenge was accepted, and Captain Koyanagi ordered a boarding party of marines prepared. As shields were dropped all around, the Klingons attempted a counter-boarding action and we soon had Klingon warriors firing disruptors all over the bridge! The Bridge Security Team suffered high casualties, but the invaders were all brought down and the Command Staff remained unharmed. The fight on the Drov'na sounded fierce and deadly, but the Gowron forces were able to seize the Engineering section long enough to eject the warp cores and ensured her eventual capture as a prize.