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Douglas "Doug" Wilson

Doug Wilson is the eldest child of Steve and Lorelei Wilson. At the beginning of X-Com: Gray Dawn (January, 2014), Doug is 38 years old, born in 1975. He enlisted in the army out of high school, and re-enlisted several times. His military career path (at least, what he tells others) is that he was a drone pilot.

End of Military Service

Doug was performing drone operations in Afghanistan in 2006 along the southern border with Pakistan. The base from which he operated was attacked, and his command and control trailer was destroyed, nearly killing him. The military claims it was an insurgent attack, but Doug has his doubts.

Descent into Madness

After about a year of physical therapy and related healing, Doug delved deeply into the world of conspiracy theories, and became an active member of the UFOlogy community. His personality took on a marked paranoiac bent, and he began espousing distrust of the government that ranged from mild to severe non-compliance. Latter instances have often wound him up on the wrong side of the law, but nothing serious to date; Doug has nothing more serious than a few misdemeanors on his record, and the longest he has spent in jail was 3 days because he was booked on the Friday of a holiday weekend.

With his general unfitness/unwillingness to deal with people, Doug has had difficulty finding work, and lives in the barn on his parents' farm. Surviving off of military severance benefits and other work that he'd rather not discuss, Doug has a stack of un-cashed disability checks tucked in a shoebox somewhere. He has been studying astrophysics lately, and if you catch him in the right mood (or get him liquored up) he might even ramble on a bit about what he thinks really lies among the stars.

Doug has recently come to the attention of a young woman named Marie Kjelstad, who is studying astrophysics from him. Some people think she is his girlfriend, but such reports have yet to be substantiated.

Easter Eggs

On Doug's character sheet, page 2 in the physical description section, hair is listed as "mostly."

Doug came up with the name for the "Lizardman Detector."

Doug is completely paranoid about people keeping tabs on him and distrusts alien tech, but owes his life to a bit of alien tech that allowed his friends to track his location and rescue him from a kidnapper. Oh, the irony.

Doug's super-secure lair is the most often infiltrated location frequented by the PCs.