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Once a crown jewel of the Tilean city-states, Miragliano is not nearly as wealthy or prosperous as it once was. The princes of the city war amongst each other with mercenary armies (called "coin brothers", as they are considered family while in the employ of a particular prince) and the population is sickly and meek.

The marshes to the east are a hideous and evil place, and most miraglianis stay far away from them, though there are a few brave souls who attempt to till the blighted soil.

Coin is the prime language of the city, just like in other parts of Tilea. The local government is essentially a complex system of bribes, meaning that the richest people in the city are effectively the leaders. With enough money and skill, a landless outsider can come to Miragliano a landless rich merchant and leave a noble.

Important people:

Arturo Giovanni is the talk of the town at the moment; they say he came storming in from L'Anguille with a fierce foreign fighting force, and forced the brothers who had exiled him from their positions of power. The people of Miragliano love a good comeback story, so this tale has been elaborated upon in every tavern in the city, to the point where the dimmer commonfolk believe he arrived at the head of an army of giants and demons.

Favorite places:

  • The Hippogryph is a tavern of excellent reputation. It is said that deals of all magnitude are worked out across its heavy oaken tables, from penny-ante thuggery to thousand-gold shipping deals.