Space Marines - The Planet Belegos

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Belegos' time has passed. Once, it was a thriving hive-world, with unparalleled industry and a vibrant, multiethnic culture. Its chief hive colony, Abis, exported refined materials, fuels, and manufactured goods. The spaceports were busy, and from time to time, the Elevator would whine to life, lifting some gigantic triumph of construction from the bowels of the hive's manufacturing levels, up to the heavens on a pulsating beam of light. To see it now, though, is to behold a hive-city in decay. Entire levels have been rendered toxic by exposure to the harsh outer atmosphere. Gigantic machinery, its purpose long forgotten, sits idle and rusting. What remains of an aristocracy huddles near the Spaceport, leaving the rest of the hive to anarchy. From time to time, from the Depths, the places no sane man would go, come echoing peals of maddened laughter.