Talk:WHFRP Reboot

Revision as of 18:58, 22 July 2007 by Dieterthebold (Talk | contribs)

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--Dieter the Bold 17:58, 22 July 2007 (MDT) As fun as it is for the players to drive the plot and have freedom to do as they will, I'd like to see some more stringent (than ever before) controls during character creation, in terms of backgrounds. I enjoy interplay and tension between group members as it can lead to awesome and exciting sessions, but I don't like complete loggerheads and constant scheming at cross-purposes that leads to PvP. I'd really like the group to choose some kind of focus, quest, job-type, etc. and have everyone be 100% for at least most aspects of it. I'd like to be involved in some over-arching story that had a definite starting and ending point, although not necessarily only one path to get between the two. I'm down playing any class that fits with whatever the group decides on. I'm fine with Matt's attribute and class set-up, and I'm intrigued and positively inclined to his Spirit system.